This is the thread Squiggy told me to start

We really try not to help customers who've never dealt with us in the past over the phone unless it's something REALLY obvious like recycle bin emptying or something. But if we've fixed their computer before, and especially if their drive would be a long one to bring it back, we will try to diagnose and fix if possible the problem.
LOL I was thinking the exact same thing!!

"Uhhh....did we just overload OTC?" :eek:

We don't do much support over the phone because of liability. They'll call the store, put in the wrong department (like Computers (sales) instead of Service) and some dumbsh!t on the floor will tell them something which won't work. So when they call back, and get us, they'll be pissed and we will have no clue. So its easy to just not give out information so when they do call we know it was a result of someone on the floor.
Apparently this one guy sold us his T-bird 950 system for $40... I imagine we're gonna sell it for $400 or so since it's somewhere in between our most "powerful" (if you can even call a celeron that) desktop machine, a celeron 1.7 at $675 and our second most powerful, a Pentium 166 at $175. :beerbang:

You know what that means, right?

(well, once we fix it up...)


if anyone buys it... :mope:
Well, I knew you're supposed to sell shit for more than you bought it for, but I never knew someone was stupid enough to sell their partially broken T-bird 950 system for $40!
I know what people PAY, but damn, this guy basically had a good system except for the hard drive and he just lost it for $40... we basically just have to throw a $150 hard drive in there and it's good to go.
maybe you can have mine too, i'm about ready to throw it out the window. video card overheats in 3d games causing the kernel to shit it's pants. ATI finally sent a message saying they're going to be sending me a replacement card, five days after i put in a service request, i haven't that crappy of service in a long time. and now my cpu fan sounds likes it's shitting itself again, looks like i'm going to be taking that apart for the second time in a week and putting some more oil in it. I need to replace that, anyone got any suggestions for a cheap(er) HSF that is reasonably quiet and cools well, or a good 80mm fan and 60-80mm adaptor? Any ideas where i might look?
Well, my room has cooled off to about 40F so I should be ok to resume playing warcraft 3 again. :mad:
If you want lower CPU temps, you don't want to go with a cheap heatsink, trust me. Get an SLK-800. Your processor will be thanking you till you fry it by overclocking too hard. :lol:

Also for the video card, if it's got a standard hole arrangement for heatsink attachment you might be able to fit a Blue Orb (or similar) on there. They're the best video card coolers on the market.
tommyj27 said:
HSF that is reasonably quiet and cools well, or a good 80mm fan and 60-80mm adaptor? Any ideas where i might look?

You don't say what cpu you have. I'm using an akasa 60>80mm adapter (metal) with a coolermaster led fan (<25 dBa) on a coolermaster heatpipe rated to 2600+. Before that I was using a GlobalWin FSP82 which didn't keep my processor as cool as this one, but I suspect that was mainly because I had too much thermal grease slapped on - compared to how much I started with the amount I'm now using is miniscule.
GlobalWin FSP82
fury said:
If you want lower CPU temps, you don't want to go with a cheap heatsink, trust me. Get an SLK-800. Your processor will be thanking you till you fry it by overclocking too hard. :lol:

Also for the video card, if it's got a standard hole arrangement for heatsink attachment you might be able to fit a Blue Orb (or similar) on there. They're the best video card coolers on the market.
I've got and expensive heatsink right now, it's a zalman 5xxx and it sucks my nut. i got it because it was supposed to be really quiet, i can make it quiet but then my idle temps are ~45C, or i can run it at full speed and it sounds like a tornado and keeps things ~10 cooler. i like the design of the heatsink because it uses the four point connection directly to the MB rather than to the socket, that's why i'd like to try using an 80mm fan on that heatsink. i don't really overclock things anymore, mainly because i don't have the money to replace hardware when i fry it anymore.
as for the video card, ati still hasn't shipped my replacement card, what a bunch of gotards:mad: