This is why some people should'nt reproduce

Was at the gas station last night gettin some smokes. Along comes this Einstein and parks in such an angle that people can't get out. So the attendant comes out and tells him hes gotta park better, the guy starts off about how hes a native (attendant was Turkish or something) and hes got rights to do whatever he pleases AND he should know that in THIS country the customer is ALWAYS right, once again poor attendant has to take this shit :rolleyes: now i see why some people go postal. Luckily i wasn't drivin, stations a 4 min walk away else he'd have know what was my RIGHT ;)
I prefer the sledgehammer method. More immediate, and you can hear the asshole screaming about it. More satisfying altogether (note: this method depends on the asshole in question not being armed:D).
freako104 said:
what a jackass. i prefer to fill his car with pipe bombs

AHA! freak is against the war because he's a terrorist...I knew it, I just knew it :zap:
You can bounce a range rover if you have a and your friend lean in on the rear bumper, one hand over the bumper, one hand under....Rover's got decent shocks so it works really well...the two of you start bouncing the rover up and down, slowly at first and then quicker (as it becomes easier)...once it's really going, you lift and shift it to the right or left on the 'up' and bounce it on the 'down'. Did this once with my ex-wife when some schmuck parked so close to my LeMans that I couldn't budge...bounced the fool's truck perpendicular to the street :)

I got out...he must've gotten towed 'cause he was blocking the street. :)

We did that to an entire street of cars at Lemoyne. When you've got 10 teenagers going at it, you'd be amazed how much you can get done in a single lunch.