This may sound racist but where do black Americans come up with names?

Re: This ma ysound racist but where do black Americans come up with names?

There was a joke at my school, that said Black parents name their kids based on what their sneeze sounded like and Asians named their kids by throwing silverware against a wall.....

I don't know any Black Americans now,m but back in high school I knew a lot. Most of them had "normal" names like Valerie, Erica, and Veronica but there were still a bit who had the more unique names that I had to ask how it was pronounced.
Re: This ma ysound racist but where do black Americans come up with names?

CydCharisse said:
I don't know any Black Americans now, but back in high school I knew a lot. Most of them had "normal" names like Valerie, Erica, and Veronica but there were still a bit who had the more unique names that I had to ask how it was pronounced.

I wonder if this is a generational thing? The Black Americans I knew in high school (1977-1981) had names like everyone else. Now when I meet Black Americans around my age (40), their names are not unusual (Linda, Richard, Janet). However if they are under 30, they have names like those mentioned in previous posts.
Re: This ma ysound racist but where do black Americans come up with names?

I think it's because older black americans were trying to fit into a white society and unusual names were no acceptable... now they are told to be proud of their black heritage (which they should be) and so names have changed to reflect that.
Re: This ma ysound racist but where do black Americans come up with names?

Good point! Nice to see that perhaps we are becoming a more tolerant society. Maybe...
Re: This ma ysound racist but where do black Americans come up with names?

Aunty Em said:
I think it's because older black americans were trying to fit into a white society and unusual names were no acceptable... now they are told to be proud of their black heritage (which they should be) and so names have changed to reflect that.

I'd buy that if they use African names. Syphilus, Shithead nor Shaniqua most assuredly do not qualify.
Re: This ma ysound racist but where do black Americans come up with names?

Maybe they're just trying to make a statement about being different? It seems to me as an outsider that the US thrives on being uniform in a lot of ways... I've no doubt you probably think the same about the UK, but I think it's more acceptable to be different here... I think some of us are probably more excentric anyway... :shrug:
Re: This ma ysound racist but where do black Americans come up with names?

Aunty Em said:
Maybe they're just trying to make a statement about being different? It seems to me as an outsider that the US thrives on being uniform in a lot of ways... I've no doubt you probably think the same about the UK, but I think it's more acceptable to be different here... I think some of us are probably more excentric anyway... :shrug:
perhaps you are right. the majority of the people i know are very concerned about what everybody else thinks or does. it's a silly past time in my opinion, you should be yourself, but with that sadi, i truly believe that naming a child is an imprtant undertaking. people are going to make assumptions about your child based on their name and thats just a cold hard fact. you can have different or unusual names without making them ridiculous....shitheed, come on, this is a person not a household pet. however, if you should ever meet shitheed, you should still have respect for them even if their parents didn't.
I went out with a guy who is a paramedic in NYC EMS. He helped deliver a baby in the ambulance and later on in his shift when he went back to the hospital, he checked up on the mom. They were talking about the baby and he asked what he named her. She said she didn't get a chance to think of a good name by the time the hospital named her. He said, what? the hospital named her? She said, yeah, they named her Fimally. Fimally? She said yeah, it's on her wrist tag and everything.

The wrist tag said "Female".
Maybe your schools should concentrate more of on teaching kids to read and spell correctly then? Maybe we should have a transatlantic spelling bee? Erm... on second thoughts, maybe that's not such a good idea...:lol:
okay, so this may be a buncha bologna, but a navy buddy of mine told me about this guy he said he knew...the guys mom was a drug addict and when she went into labor with him, she was soo hopped up she thought she saw a sign from god telling her to name the little baby boy "nosmo king", which she did. the sign she saw? not from god, but from hospital administration " no smoking".
tonks said:
okay, so this may be a buncha bologna, but a navy buddy of mine told me about this guy he said he knew...the guys mom was a drug addict and when she went into labor with him, she was soo hopped up she thought she saw a sign from god telling her to name the little baby boy "nosmo king", which she did. the sign she saw? not from god, but from hospital administration " no smoking".

Ohhh THNX Tonks ur a trip today-feels so good to lol hurts the belly.
Yes, ppl do come up with some unusaul names -i thought back in the 60's and 70's names were odd, moonbeam-sundance-mystical,etc... But 2000's top it. What to do with our new generation??????
As strange as those names may be, at least the parents are putting some thought into them.

When I was at University I actually knew a guy whose name was Mark Hunt........I mean, what on earth were his parents thinking??

I dreaded the day's when he didn't turn up for tutorials.......all it took was the tutor to ask the dreaded question "Has anyone seen Mark Hunt?" and I had to leave the room for ten minutes while I regained my composure.

My name is pretty plain and boring.....but I'll never forget the day when I asked my Mum why she chose the name she did.

We were sitting down to dinner and I asked her......Calm as you like, she told me I was named after one of her poor Dad nearly choked on a roast potato

The future for names looks pretty grim..........most of the lasses seem to name their kids after pop stars.......I can think of three Brittany's and at least five Robbie's just in the village I live in.
my favorite names to snicker at are racecar driver dick trickle and pitcher randy johnson.

i think i choose normal names but uncommon names for all of my children - leah, marlowe, and malory. the last two may seem to be odd spellings but not so. my youngest two are named after christopher marlowe and sir thomas malory. so the names are spelled 'correctly'.