This oughta start the flaming


i had a long response that turned rambly but can basically be summed up with this:

meeting people from the internet is risky. period. even if nothing bad happens and the people you meet are totally cool, you still risk them not being cool. i think that's fairly common sense and that no internet site should be blamed for peoples failure to follow this simple rule that most of us are told from an early age:
dont talk to strangers.
if you do, you assume the risk.
i'm assuming the risk by posting here. how do i know one of you isnt some leet stalker who's going to find me and do something horrible? i dont know that, but it's a risk i take. if someone came and found me, it would be a horrible thing, but i dont think it would be fair at all to blame off topic central. i know it's a horrible thing to blame the victim of a heinous crime, but i dont think the website is solely the one to blame, that's for damned sure.

this thought may have been poorly expressed, i have a headache
ash r said:
how do i know one of you isnt some leet stalker who's going to find me and do something horrible?

You don't. It's not our sites main objective for you to share intimate details of your life, then to take those details & place them in a neat, germ proof package for all to see.

There is, admittedly, far more about me than I'm truly comfortable giving, publically, on this site. It has been, however, freely given, over a period of years, and must be actively searched out. That's one advantage to having way too many posts.
i love myspace and i don't think its the cause of all these young girls being "lured" and becoming victims.

i mean, c'mon. do you see how some of these young teens present themselves? if they want to post pics of themselves looking like hootchie-mamas, what do they expect?
ash r said:
is risky. period. even if nothing bad happens and the people you meet are totally cool, you still risk them not being cool. i think that's fairly common sense and that no [ab]Bar[/ab]should be blamed for peoples failure to follow this simple rule that most of us are told from an early age:
dont talk to strangers.
if you do, you assume the risk.

That could just as easily be referring to a bar ,not like you'd find underage females in a bar :rolleyes:
kuulani said:
i mean, c'mon. do you see how some of these young teens present themselves? if they want to post pics of themselves looking like hootchie-mamas, what do they expect?

While I concur, please be aware that the courts have not held similar positions. Rape cases where the victim "dressed seductively" or "behaved in a sexually suggestive manner" have been found to be insufficient grounds to acquit the defendants. So the argument cannot hold water here either. Hate it, but that sword cuts on two edges.
Ya know, I saw an interview with this girl and her folks on GMA as I was on my way out the door for work this morning. The main thrust seemed to be that since the male involved doesn't appear to be a predator, and since it was all in the name of "true love", it just wasn't that big a deal.

Since I have a low tolerance level for stupid, I snorted and wlked out the door.