steweygrrrr said:something in another thread about training groups and stuff. And they dont love him they are infatuated.... and he just doesnt look right without long blonde hair and the facial fuzz doesnt suit
steweygrrrr said:beatcha!
who do you work for?
well 16 hours a day on here would limit your tv time I sposepeterska2 said:Nope
AlphaTroll said:I work for a big financial institution
KA - check on Google if you want see what he looks like.
peterska2 said:Which financial place AT?
I'll google later unless someone wants to save me the bother
peterska2 said:Yup.
Someone give me good karma.
I'm lost too, please, take me homeOricon said:Oh... do you know where i am? Because I'm kinda lost
Buttcrackdivine said:Why? Aren't you satisfied with your own self content?