This place will probably ban me...


I found this link on

I am tempted to reply to half a dozon posts, but I don't think they would like that. :) OTCentral is MUCH nicer. :headbang:
Yeah it is serious... I'm reading some of the stuff. I disagree with a lot though. I am trying to figure out if they support 9/11 or if they are against it. They certainly don't like the Jews or Israel (I do).
So much Arabic mixed with English though. It feels odd reading Arabic in English letters from left to right.
Yeah, really weird....

I don't really bother even reading a board which contains so much things I don't agree with.
Those are not the kind of people who tend to listen to your or my arguements :)
Brothers Area
A place to chill and kick back with the brothers. This is a room for brothers to discuss issues and topics they dont want sisters to see. Sisters Fear ALLAH and abstain from entering ! ALLAH sees all.
from their forums page
:hmm: oooooooh I'd dearly love to reply to that one!!
YEah this place is filled with students or people from Muslim countries. Mostly Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc. from what I can tell.

One thing... they definitely do NOT like Westerners... they call them kafirs, which is the word for infidels in Arabic. And I found this picture:


Definitely an interesting board to read.
I really don't agree with his current politics, but these pathetic people aren't worth any of our time IMO :)

It is very tempting to reply though...
i guess an all seeing deity looking over the board beats supermods into a cocked hat :)

i read a few threads, always good to try to understand people with different views. i don't like the extremism on display, but thats nothing to do with religion and more to do with a dislike of extremism of any kind.

images such as that are to them no different to pictures demonising osama bin laden and saddam hussein here, it's just that they see the world differently.

i would rather that no further images and references to threads there was made though. they are free to their point of view and i don't see we have any right to pick at it, regardless of our own feelings. and it will only bring heated argument here that i don't think is right given the way the thread started.
I like to read what other people think. And how they think. Very intriguing. I'm gonna post one question there and see what they say.

In this place everybody can get along with eachother, that I totally forgot about Moderators :D

No offence :p
we have moderators? :eek:

its been so long since i used my mighty mod powers that i've clean forgotten about them :D

obviously i use them for good, and not delicious, nourishing evil, eeeevil :D