This really sucks...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
I went fishing yesterday, in hopes of repeating last weeks performance. I didn't...far from it. I had only made my third cast, when my line got snagged. Not wanting to risk a baited hook flying out of the water in any direction, I decided to 'walk it down' till the hook slipped free of whatever was holding it. Good plan, but it wasn't the hook that slipped. I lost my footing, and was pitched forward onto the rocks...which happened to be covered in oyster shells...broken, sharp, oyster shells. Luckily, I caught myself with my hands, and didn't lose my pole. Unluckily, I caught myself on my hands, and didn't lose my pole. My right hand has nine cuts of varying depth, starting from the deepest on my wrist, to the tips of two fingers. My left hand has a cut on my thumb, two gashes on my palm, and a minor rip on my ring finger. When I 'landed', I didn't feel a thing. Now, 24 hours later, I'm throbbing like an SOB. I can't wait until tomorrow, when I can get to the clinic to have this looked at professionally. I believe my right wrist will require stitching, and my right palm will require a couple of butterflies. I didn't go to the hospital, because the people runing the DoD 'insurance' program have trouble paying the bill, and I get dinged for it...bastards...

Oh least I saved my $80 bait-casting reel...
the people runing the DoD 'insurance' program have trouble paying the bill

The boy has mentioned that on a few occasions. Fortunately, we here at OTC know that there is no health care problem in America. :lol:
I have full health insurance and I'll still be paying for my stents when the heart attack comes...

Sorry to hear about your accident. Who knew fishing was so dangerous. :D
chcr said:
The boy has mentioned that on a few occasions. Fortunately, we here at OTC know that there is no health care problem in America. :lol:

I need to submit the paperwork to out "HMO" system, and they always find some way to lose it. I still owe $199 for a trip to the ER 6 years ago, which I refuse to pay, and the hospital in question refuses to send to the paying authority under the guise of "It was your injury"...

chcr said:
I have full health insurance and I'll still be paying for my stents when the heart attack comes...

Sorry to hear about your accident. Who knew fishing was so dangerous. :D

Fishing is's the footing that was dangerous. :p
Well, that sucks. Keep a very close eye on that baby. Blood poisoning would really be the cherry on the sundae.
Sorry to hear about that one, Gato. Where I fish, I don't have to worry about clams, but falling down is usually a bad thing (hands or no hands). If you dont' break something on the rocks and boulders, you have the joy of getting your waders fill up with water and being washed away for a bit. Joy!

I had bruises in places where I didn't even know I HAD places, the last time that happened :(
The additional joy of walking 2km soaking wet, bruised and with a twisted ankle back to the 'lodge' was a joy....NOT!

I'm with HL...check them wounds...blood poisoning is not fun at all!
Went to the base clinic this morning. Got the major cuts washed out with some cold water. It's amazing how much oyster shell fragments I missed with the tweezers. No stitches, though. They claim that it's too late. :nuts:

Now I'm on a broad-spectrum anti-biotic, and have lots of creams to place over the cuts. The good news is that the peroxide I cleaned up with over the weekend, and the Neosporin, kept me from a nasty far. The doc said to keep using the cream, keep it covered, and, if the fluid coming out starts to look like snot, call him immediately.
MrBishop said:
I'm surprised that your typing skills havn't faltered any :)

I didn't hurt my typing because I only use the thumbs, the pointer fingers, and the middle fingers. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
I didn't hurt my typing because I only use the thumbs, the pointer fingers, and the middle fingers. ;)
The latter usually aimed upwards and 'facing' the screen in front of you ;)
Looks like I'm not infected, and the wounds are closing up nicely. That's really good news because Saturday is supposed to be around 80F...the perfect weather for fishing. :grinyes: So...anybody got any of these I can borrow?
Happy Vets day.

Gato, hop a C130 & go catch ya something real big
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) Nov. 11, 2005 - Sweden's version of the Loch Ness Monster is off the endangered species list.

Hundreds of people claimed to have seen the legendary serpent in a lake in a northwestern province.
The regional council even put it on a list of endangered animals. But a government watchdog challenged the decision, saying such protection wasn't needed for a creature whose existence might only be a myth.

But the local council isn't entirely convinced.

While the monster has been removed from the endangered species list, local leaders say the serpent might really exist.