This takes the cake

SouthernN'Proud said:
Talk about minding more than your own business...I'd just have to slap this chick silly. Or sillier than she already is. Whichever.

Spoilsport Mom

Then again, this IS in New Jersey... :bolt: *peepwall*

Shaddup! We'll tell you what's good for you. :lloyd:
the article said:
Roth, 36, moved with her husband and two children from Atlanta a year ago and has advocated healthy eating in the schools. But some are saying she barged into their neighborhood, flaunting her statistics on obesity and disrespecting the way things are done in this tight, well-to-do community.

"She's caused an incredible amount of hard feelings in the way she's dealt with people," said Gomez. "People are very angry that she does not live in this community permanently and she's a renter. And people are angry that she's dictating what people can and cannot do at home."

Talk about role reversal. I thought that only happened when halfbacks moved here. :lloyd:
Wow, now that's sticking thy nose where it don't belongeth if I've ever seen it. Besides, the main reason for obesity in children is parents using the electric baby sitters, tv, video games, instead of going out and playing ball with the kid.
intelligent parent said:
"If a kid can't have a cupcake when they're a kid," said Maureen Lewton, "then when can they have a cupcake?"
People using their own morals to judge others. :shrug: the majority of people get used to the idea...if you'll pardon the pun.

If she doesn't want her little brats to eat the to the teachers. Then she can deal with her kids when they get home bitching that they were the only kids to NOT get cake or candy that day. We'll see how long that lasts, eh?