This thread is about oral sex

I wish i didnt look like an idiot laughing my fucking head off in my school library.

Swallowing... the only way to go

/random comment
paul_valaru said:
it's giving flashbacks to boot camp, I rememebr good old colonel ingus

Did you see the skit on SNL with Christopher Walken as a Confederate Colonel Angus during the civil.I'm surprised that got past the Censor :lol2:
Kittie said:
I wish i didnt look like an idiot laughing my fucking head off in my school library.

Swallowing... the only way to go

/random comment

but you had a reason to laugh ;)
hey what is the same between a (insert that girl, name in highschool that all teh rumors where about) and the bermuda triangle, th4ey both swallow seamen
For licking the alphabet, just move your tongue around as if you were writing the letters. It's just like writing "wash me" on a dirty car with your finger, except it's with your tongue on a clit. By the time you get to Z, she should already have been driven crazy by it.