This WILL be the end of me


Staff member
I was up until after 3am last night reinstalling my computer...I need it for a presentation this evening so I had to make sure it was in working order and I don't think having a torjan that wouldn't delete constituted working order...I have a test at's now 10:30am...I am SO worn out that 7 or 8 hours of sleep just doesn't do it for me. I'm at the point that I need 2 or 3 nights of about 11 hours a night because I am stretched so thin right now...ugh...if I make it til Dec 17 it will be a miracle.
I just spent the last 6 hours beating the fuck outta Spy Sherriff on my work machine. What a bastard.
Professur said:
I just spent the last 6 hours beating the fuck outta Spy Sherriff on my work machine. What a bastard.

I had that...actually the file that wouldn't delete was left over from when I THOUGHT I beat that last week...:blank:
I ran a couple of programs that were suggested in the sites I found when researching the virus...ran them in safe mode, blah blah blah. This one file though, it wouldn't delete manually, the programs couldn't delete I formatted.
did you try rebooting to command line to remove it? D'ya remember the file name?

And what were you doing on a site that carried that, HMMMM?
crystal scan said:
never mind are you a computer GURU :confused:

Having a virus has nothing to do with my power supply! Software vs hardware! NOTHING to do with each other!
Nixy said:
Having a virus has nothing to do with my power supply! Software vs hardware! NOTHING to do with each other!

stop going to the porn sites then :lol2: or opening werid emails, i go to porn sites, i just know which ones are good and bad, and i don;t have a virus sccaner, and i never get a viruss
crystal scan said:
stop going to the porn sites then :lol2: or opening werid emails, i go to porn sites, i just know which ones are good and bad, and i don;t have a virus sccaner, and i never get a viruss

Can you not read? I SPECIFICALLY stated already that I did NOT get it from a porn site. I can also tell you I did not get it from an email. I got it from a site I have visited MANY times before without issue. If you REALLY must know.
Nixy said:
Can you not read? I SPECIFICALLY stated already that I did NOT get it from a porn site. I can also tell you I did not get it from an email. I got it from a site I have visited MANY times before without issue. If you REALLY must know.

YOU NEED TO GET LIAD that will relive your stress :D
crystal scan said:
YOU NEED TO GET LIAD that will relive your stress :D

I would be willing to bet the farm that I have been laid MUCH more recently than you. MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH more recently. I need to NOT have to deal with idiotic posts when I'm trying to take a 30min break from the mountain of homework I have in front of me. THAT'S what I need.
Nixy said:
I would be willing to bet the farm that I have been laid MUCH more recently than you. MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH more recently. I need to NOT have to deal with idiotic posts when I'm trying to take a 30min break from the mountain of homework I have in front of me. THAT'S what I need.

well go to some porn site then and use a "pocket rocket" that will make your dealing with my idiotic posts in a good mood :D