Those precious memories


Well-Known Member
Alright, folks, this is the part of the show when I get to make you all feel like idiots. I want to know where you keep your valuables. No, not the money and jewels. I'm talking the important stuff. The baby photos. The birth certificates. The first teeth, clipping from the first hair cuts, and baby books. The school grades, and diplomas. The stuff that's truely irreplaceable.

Mine. Mine are in a Sentry fireproof box, under my desk. It's rated for over an hour in an inferno, without charing paper. I looked. There's nothing better than you can get for the home. Even then, I'm still unhappy. I've made copies of most, and keep them in a second site. If enough disasters happened close enough together that I'd lose everything .... I doubt that I'd really be worried about it.

so how about you? Safety deposit box at the bank? Shoe box under the bed? Spread everywhere across the house?

and now that I've jsut rubbed your nose in it, are you gonna change it?
I don't have a fireproof safe anymore...

I keep a lot offsite in a bank deposit box..including CDs with pics taken from my digicam. Everything else is in a credenza downstairs.
College diploma is hanging in the computer room. It can be replaced, for a fee. High school diploma is at my parents' house, somewhere... as is all my schoolwork from kindergarten on up, and pictures, all that kind of stuff. I'm not sure where they keep all that. I'm guessing my birth certificate would be in the fire safe.
The majority of photos have now been scanned and burned to CD. The CD's live in a safe-deposit box, along with irreplacable papers, valuable coins, and some family memorabilia. Diplomas are on the office wall at work, but they can be replaced. The only TRULY irrepacable things sleep next to me and across the hall. In case of fire, we all get out, or I don't.
HomeLAN said:
The only TRULY irrepacable things sleep next to me and across the hall. In case of fire, we all get out, or I don't.

You cannot give Reputation to the same post twice.

...a real shame. That post deserved it
You know...we have old money in the safe deposit box at the bank but our pictures sit in a bookcase downstairs. On that note, there are a good 20 or so photoalbums...kinda a lot for a fireproof box. Birth certificate is replaced easily enough for $20 (already did it once cause my Newfie mother laminated mine when I was a baby not reading the bold writing on the back saying not to laminate it :lloyd: ) but I should mention to my mom about getting a box and picking out some key pictures, having copies made and putting them in the box. On that note I also need to back up all my digi pics incase of HDD crash, I will do that tonight and take it to the bank tomorrow when I go and put it in the safe deposit box.
Professur said:
Nixy, why not scan the lot?

Oh good lord...if I was gonna do that I woulda had to start the day I moved home (a month ago) and if that was ALL I did I would just be finishing now.
Half of it is in a safe deposit at the bank and half is sitting out front in a milk crate with a sign that says 'free for hippie deadbeats'... I like living dangerously.
Nixy said:
Oh good lord...if I was gonna do that I woulda had to start the day I moved home (a month ago) and if that was ALL I did I would just be finishing now.

V2.0 gives me the same crap excuse when I tell her to clean her room. Do I really have to give you the same answer I give her?
Professur said:
V2.0 gives me the same crap excuse when I tell her to clean her room. Do I really have to give you the same answer I give her?

I don't think you understand the sheer volume of pictures. When we were little my mom was picture CRAZY!
Professur said:
I've got three kids. Tread carefully.

Well, my mom's a wee bit extreme. We're 22 and 17 and she still video tapes christmas morning.
Birth certificate is in an envelope in my closet. Pictures are in an album under my desk. Maybe when I get old, married and have kids I will keep important stuff in a safe place. Or, more likely, my wife will.

I am "unorganized". As my pops told me..."a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind".