Throwin' de bum out


Well-Known Member
You'd figure that after 13 years in the hotel industry and several years taking the odd security gig, that I'd be used to spotting the 'unwelcome' and dealing with them. Not so. got by me quite handily (going in with a group) and fucked up our bathroom. I got a call from one of the groups upstairs saying that someone had been in the men's room for 30 mins and wasn't an invited guest. I went up quickly, but not quickly enough.

Buddy had stolen a plate of food and sat in the bathroom eating it, then flooded the bathroom, stickered the walls and stall and left via the back door into the elevator section. Security for the building and I caught up to him on the 32nd floor, trying to find a new place to roost. He's outta cops and no violence, though I'd have loved to have moved him on with a kick in the pants. Flooding a church hall's bathroom and defacing it!?! Not 500' from our Drop-In center, where he could've gotten free food and a place to rest, shower, shave, and get a cup of coffee. Damn!

Some bums are nice enough...treat 'em with respect and they'll leave in good time, causing no havok in their wake. Others...
HeXp£Øi± said:
The church you work in has 32 floors?


OK... I work for the Synod Office... The Anglican Masthead Church for Montreal is called "Christ Church"..that's it in the front ... behind it is Cathedral Place.. a 36 story building 'owned' by the church. On the 3rd floor of this building is the office of the Bishop of Montreal...for whom I work. We have meeting halls therein as well.

The building and the shopping complex underneath it are a wonder to see, because they had to put the church on stilts to dig underneath it and add those lovely shops and the metro system. :D

Anyway...long story, but I hope that you like the pics :D
Gonz said:
Why no cops? Isn't destruction illegal in you 'hood?

Quickly fixed 'real' damage cause we caught it in time...besides, the cop's hold him for 24hours, giving him a nice place to sleep and toss him back for vagrancy afterwards. It accomplishes nothing, really.

I've called cops on bums before...usually, they just get walked out unless they get violent. The stickers came off easily and the flood was contained before it went too far.
MrBishop said:

OK... I work for the Synod Office... The Anglican Masthead Church for Montreal is called "Christ Church"..that's it in the front ... behind it is Cathedral Place.. a 36 story building 'owned' by the church. On the 3rd floor of this building is the office of the Bishop of Montreal...for whom I work. We have meeting halls therein as well.

The building and the shopping complex underneath it are a wonder to see, because they had to put the church on stilts to dig underneath it and add those lovely shops and the metro system. :D

Anyway...long story, but I hope that you like the pics :D

Dang. My church is made out of wood. :D
HeXp£Øi± said:
Dang. My church is made out of wood. :D

I don't attend there, and I work for another church in the mornings. Just celebrated its 175th birthday :D

The one I do attend, when I attend, is miniscule. Barely holds 80 people on the benches. It's cozy :D (No web-site though I've offered)