Time to invade Vermont

The neo-con band of criminals running Washington, trampling on civil rights at home and invading countries at will overseas, has led a large group of strong-minded Vermont freedom-fighters with no choice but to secede from the United States.
Wow! That's a much better reason then trying to keep people in slavery. You could actually be proud of these reasons for seccession.
flavio said:
Wow! That's a much better reason then trying to keep people in slavery. You could actually be proud of these reasons for seccession.

Look, now you have somewhere to move
Thanks to Gonz, I saw flamio's remark.

How about this? Since I am now off work, and have scads of free time, I propose to educate you. I will pledge to send you, vial your choice of email or PM, much information showing you that you are wrong. No name calling, no bullshit. All I ask is that you in turn read it. You don't even have to comment. Just read it. fair enough?

Otherwise, I will be forced to take other actions that I would rather not take.
SouthernN'Proud said:
How about this? Since I am now off work, and have scads of free time, I propose to educate you. I will pledge to send you, vial your choice of email or PM, much information showing you that you are wrong. No name calling, no bullshit. All I ask is that you in turn read it. You don't even have to comment. Just read it. fair enough?
Post it right here, that way we can alll have a look. Seems like the link in my sig says it all though. Are you disputing the validity of the speech?

Otherwise, I will be forced to take other actions that I would rather not take.
I'd love to hear more about these actions.
I don't wanna consume sam's bandwidth with things I've already said.

As to your sig, I am flattered that you took inspiration from me. It shows. The hate speech is what I'd expect.

Offer stands...take it or leave it.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I don't wanna consume sam's bandwidth with things I've already said.
Post a link to the thread then...Or put it up, I don't think it's going to take any more bandwidth then the PM you suggested.

The hate speech is what I'd expect.
You expected a hate speech from the governor of Tennessee when he gave his reasons for secession?

....and what are these "other actions"?
I refer to the hate speech from your own mouth.

Last chance. I made the offer, I set the terms. Take it as is, or decline.
My grandparents own a house in Vermont. Getting through customs will probably be a bitch.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I refer to the hate speech from your own mouth.
Where is that? I'd like to read it.

Last chance. I made the offer, I set the terms. Take it as is, or decline.
Whatever, if you're out of excuses for not posting it then go ahead and PM it to me.
Wonder if Vermont will become Canada's next province... we'll take Maine and Florida too...hell, we already live there in numbers viable enough for an invasion to succeed ;)
SouthernN'Proud said:
I sent the PMand have yet to get a reply.

Lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink.
Yeah right. You sent a PM with no info and got a reply 2:21pm 11/20/05.

Lead some people to BS, but can't make me not look at my Sent Items.
In the PM, I asked a simple question. I have yet to receive a reply. If snide comments is the range of your ability to discourse, you can forget it anyway. I have better things to do. You are impressing no one with your venomous childish banter.

If I receive a civil reply to my question within 24 hours, I will answer. If not, I will consider the matter closed.
In this thread you said

I will pledge to send you, vial your choice of email or PM, much information showing you that you are wrong. No name calling, no bullshit. All I ask is that you in turn read it. You don't even have to comment. Just read it. fair enough?
I told you to go ahead and PM it to me. You didn't do what you said you would. Your PM was one single snide question. I asked for info again and still have not received anything.

I'll ask again, if you have some info that would indicate that the South's reasons for secession and hence the war were not what really their governor's stated (continuing slavery) then please post it or PM it to me.

In the meantime here's a span of about 30 years of Lincoln's writings on slavery.