Tired of trying to talk to a human?

Made that mistake by not doing so as even the laptop I was seeking was not listed and didn't know why until it was to late. I liked the Latitude.
I usally just dial zero, but them sometimes there is no option for that.

I have also run into some places that have no option at all to talk to a person.
Gonz said:
damn you're old :lol2:


Yeah, and I miss the good old days when men were men and women were women, you could tell the players without a scorecard, vending machines full of soda and junk food were not allowed in schools, people didn't run from the cops (unless they just robbed a bank), car insurance was cheap and paid a claim, people sued to reclaim a loss and not to make an opportunistic buck, the president was respected and admired (OK never mind that one), downtown was safe and clean (that one's kinda iffy too), cars had dashboards made of bare steel and no seat belts, there were only 3 or 4 channels on the TV set (and you had to get up and turn a dial to change them), kids repected adults and did what they were told, people wrote letters (usually with a typewriter), and when you called a place of business the phone was answered by an English speaking human being.

know what i hate? when you are swamped at work and you pick up the phone only to hear, " please hold for a very important phone call..."
well screw you and your very important phone call! if it was that important you could have a live person call me and not waste my time.
tonksy said:
know what i hate? when you are swamped at work and you pick up the phone only to hear, " please hold for a very important phone call..."
well screw you and your very important phone call! if it was that important you could have a live person call me and not waste my time.

I hate them even more at home. Thanks the IN legislature for an effective DO NOT CALL list (plus an unlisted number....)
Oh, OK... I haven't had to deal with bill collectors since the divorce so I'd forgotten all about that.
Inkara1 said:
Oh, OK... I haven't had to deal with bill collectors since the divorce so I'd forgotten all about that.
LOL! me neither! except for the coworkers, i mean.
They gave their creditors their work number?! Not exactly Einsteins, are they? 99% of the time, it isn't commented on if you leave that line blank on the credit app.
HomeLAN said:
They gave their creditors their work number?! Not exactly Einsteins, are they? 99% of the time, it isn't commented on if you leave that line blank on the credit app.
to be flat honest, if they were einsteins they wouldn't be there, would they?