Tis the season


Staff member
Well, it's that time of year again. All the stores are decked out for Christmas, playing Christmas music and I LOVE IT! Except for one little thing...it seems that every store I go to has one of these:


My uncle bought one a couple years ago and I'd never seen one before...it FREAKS ME OUT! It's creepy looking and this year they're in like EVERY STORE! It's even worse one someone turns it on...UGH!
I remember --- back in the dark ages --- when the Christmas season didn't begin until after Thanksgiving. How I long for those days. *sigh*
Yeah we had Christmas stuff out for sale in July ,damn near threw my neck out doing a double take. :hmm:


TRL: It IS after Thanksgiving here, and has been for awhile :p

Stuff started appearing in stores Nov 1 here...right after Halloween.

TRL: It IS after Thanksgiving here, and has been for awhile :p

Stuff started appearing in stores Nov 1 here...right after Halloween.

Whoops --- sorry about that Nixy. should have said the US celebration of Thanksgiving. I forget about differing countries being represented here.
The local Lowes hardware had Christmas stuff out in September --- TOO DAMNED EARLY ! ! !
well, i should point out, that, in fact, is not the REAL SANTA ....

..looks evil and scary to me ...

anyway, my thanks to Bop for that link ..i have subsqeuently found 1356 pictures of Epping forest!! ... for my new series of regular reports from the UK's crime hotspot!

More news as it happens,

yours, OTC's man in Epping,
newshound BB