Titrations: The gradual addition of something until you end up with the correct


New Member
proportion of each substance to get the required reaction!

Do we need to just gradually add parts of ourself into a relationship and keep monitoring how much chemistry there is, or is that a waste of time, and should we just pour out our feelings 'willy nilly' and take pot luck that it will be the right blend?
staffrodore said:
proportion of each substance to get the required reaction!

Do we need to just gradually add parts of ourself into a relationship and keep monitoring how much chemistry there is


or is that a waste of time

It is but it is more prudent because...

and should we just pour out our feelings 'willy nilly' and take pot luck that it will be the right blend?

^^^that can be also a waste of time and far more emotionally taxing and harmful. Emotions are private as hell so one must understand who they share them with.
Of course trust...however, not in regards to handing it out. Thta must be earned both ways.
Are you talking trust as well? When you are constantly shit on in relationships one finds trust hard to give.


Do we need to just gradually add parts of ourself into a relationship and keep monitoring how much chemistry there is, or is that a waste of time, and should we just pour out our feelings 'willy nilly' and take pot luck that it will be the right blend

hmmm, tricky... and i'm far to inexperienced as far as relationships go to know for sure if and what the 'right blend' might be... But I am fairly intuitive and learn a lot from what I observe around me, so heres my theory:

In an "ideal" situation (god knows there is no such thing) there are those of us who would like to believe that by being able to a) just gradually add parts of ourself into a relationship and keep monitoring how much chemistry there is, in the hope that things will work, our relationships will be as perfect and as stable as a successfully carried out experiment where the 'hypothesis' and 'method' is reliable and correct.

In an "ideal" situation (god knows there is no such thing) there are also those who would like to believe that by pouring out our feelings (willy nilly - hehe :p) we are being open and doing the right thing, and that by jumping head over feet into the abyss of emotional upheaval and perhaps embarrasing confessions and revelations of caught-up-in-the-moment-ness, things will be better and you will be closer for saying whatever you wanted to say.

I don't think there is a definate aim when two different people get together, and so the consequences are hard and impossible to predict, as are the ways in which you handle it. There are lots of things that we 'want' to say is the best way to go about it but I don't think there ever really is. You have to aproach each situation with care and sometimes you have no way of actually considering the way that you respond.Because in a relationship, theres no knowing what exactly the reaction between you and the person might be, the control you have of it, and your ability to be able to know exactly what to be doing because although its at the back of your mind you just casually go with the flow hoping that it will work out.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is a 'right' way as far as emotions are concerned and if there was, I think naturally it would exist somewhere in between the two different ideas you mentioned, with a blend of each to be used in a way that is most appropriate within the circumstances.

But even that is difficult see, because, sometimes your idea of 'monitoring' might be interpreted by the other as 'holding back', but sometimes if you just 'let go' the person won't listen, or really understand what you mean or not be ready to respond to it or even worse, be thinking "why did he/she just say that?)

I guess thats just the glory of building relationships. Confusion, misunderstanding and uncertainty; but I suppose the outcome of the right blend is definately worth the experience, you just have to go through all these uncertainties to get there, huh.

I guess, at the end of the day you're safe if you just don't do anything that doesn't feel natural - but then be careful about exactly what you allow yourself to let out, because from experience ,I know that some things can get you in trouble...;)
staffrodore said:
proportion of each substance to get the required reaction!

Do we need to just gradually add parts of ourself into a relationship and keep monitoring how much chemistry there is, or is that a waste of time, and should we just pour out our feelings 'willy nilly' and take pot luck that it will be the right blend?

I think its a blend of what you said. I think we do add ourselves to try to make the relationship work but in some cases it is a waste especially if it is bound to end. I dont think we should just pour our feelings. I do believe love is mystical and all that but there are some logical explanations for some relationships
Sticking with the Chemistry feel...

As one who has conducted many an experiment using titration equipment I have to say that often the concentration on keeping the addition to the right level means that you miss the whole reaction and go over board!

And/or the experiment will take so long before there is a spark of reaction you get bored and fuck it up!

To me I say guestimate/estimate the amount that will be within the "safe zone" just before the saturation point or reaction point and open the titration tube full and pour in... then hold back and titrate.

So in relationship terms that means... give as much as you think your partner can handle then hold back and waite addinga little at a time for the exothermic out come... or rather a reaction of some kind involving the production of heat! :brow:
IMHO - it depends entirely on your POV.

Men enter into a relationship hoping that the woman won't change. Women enter it thinking that they'll change him.

From that POV, it's better for a woman to open up as much as possible at first and then slow the flow. In this way, the man knows what he's walking into and the trickle thereafter comes slowly enough to not scare him into thinking that this isn't the woman he fell in love with.

For the man...start removing your social masks slowly so that you 'seem' to change, when actually, you're just revealing another layer in the emotional onion. Hopefully in the right direction.

Sounds pat...but it works.