To all the parents here...


What would you say when your son/daughter asks you if he/she can go skydiving? My parents were VERY reluctant lol, but finally decided its good, IF they can go with me (not jump though). Today, seven jumps later and no problem. See? :D You don't have to worry that much... (but a little worry is good I guess)

(I'm so bored today lol, so pardon the silly posts I'm making trying to create some life here)
I'm going to do that next spring...they said I was crazy but didn't make a big deal out of it...
Only comment was that they hoped the 'chute opened :D
You just have to do more than 1 jump! You really don't enjoy it before you've done at least 2 or 3 :) The rush of the air past you and the view is simply AMAZING! And once you get to the part where you can solo jump and deploy your own chute it gets really funky! It is WELL worth the money.
IPH went sky-diving and my parents didn't give a flying one.

Get it?...flying one? Get it... hehehehehehehehehe[/siz]
I'm taking a course of 8 get the first certificate :)

And...hahahaha @ Scanty subtle joke ;)
I'll allow my daughter to do anything as long as it's healthy, a learning experience and not a waste of time or extremely dangerous. I will not let her do things such as hang out at the mall etc. Course, she's only three so i don't think she's ready for skydiving yet. She might be though. She seems to love jumping off of high places.
It was a tense few hours on Saturday for anyone who knew veteran skydiver Leon Sebek.

Sebek was missing for eight hours after he was knocked unconscious before a jump and fell to the ground. The accident happened as he was getting ready to exit the plane on Saturday. A strong gust of wind caused his parachute to open prematurely and slammed his head into the tail of the airplane.

The 40-year-old lost consciousness and drifted for over 3,000 metres into a quarry, which was a long way from the Dundas airfield outside Hamilton – the intended landing site.

Only hours before a land and air search was about to be called off due to the dwindling light, a police helicopter spotted him.

Sebek, whose fateful jump was his 94th time skydiving, was in serious condition in a Hamilton hospital on Monday. At 8am on Sunday his wife, Betty Dysart, was asked to decide whether or not to keep him on life support. Some comforting news came later though, when a nurse told her Sebek had started to move his hands and feet.

According to Dysart, the doctor said the progress her husband had made so far was remarkable.

September 2, 2002

I'd have a hard time with it, but I'd let them go do something like that (I think)
At the moment, he is far too young to skydive. At a more reliable, apt age, I'd tell him, unless the plane is going down in flames I see no reason to leave a perfectly capable aircraft, while it's in the air, but sure, go ahead. Just don't call me when the hospital bill arrives.:D

I bet it's fun as hell but I was serious about "my" part.
I'd let some of my kids do it. A couple of them wouldn't have the guts though. One more thing, as long as they take me with. :D
I started when I was 16, and it is FUN AS HELL! Come on guys, I really suggest you try it. Hm, maybe not if you are married though, I don't know if I will keep doing dangerous and wild things if I had kids that depend on me. But if you are single! By all means, GET OUT, and DO IT!

That first step out of the plane is a big, BIG leap of faith. No matter how logical your mind is and what your intelligence tell you, your heart tells you NO FUCKING WAY.

Once you do your third or forth jumps, it starts to get fun. The air is swishing past you, you are falling at terminal velocity, you have a FANTASTIC view, your heart races, your muscles pull a bit, your mind is filled with the sound of the air and with the amazing beauty, and your adrenaline glands are pumping you full of adrenaline even though there is no need to fight or flight. You CANNOT get it on a roller coater, EVER.

Then you realize, 40 seconds are already up! You had dropped from 11,000 feet to 6,000 feet, and it is time to deploy. Your hand reaches over, and you yank it hard, and out comes the swooooosh of the chute jumping out, followed by a sharp yank as you slow down your decent.

Now there is hopefully no more wind, none of the wild sounds, just unadulterated beauty while you slowly drift down to earth, and gracefully touch down.

I've never had a need to yank my emergency chute, for which I'm grateful. Just remember, inspect your package! (your chute, not your privates ok? lol) Three times, and once you get into the plane!


Bungee jumping is sick! I've done it once. I will do it again, but ugh, I'm not awfully fond of it. It is hard to tell when it is over because it goes so fast. And the bobbing isn't helping either, plus you always have that nasty feeling the rope is gonna break.
Yank it hard? I think i'd find it rather difficult to concentrate on that when i'm falling at 9.80665 meters per second per second.
Back in the fifties there was a guy working for the air force who jumped out of a baloon at 130,000 ft. Between 130,000 and 90,000 ft his body broke mach 1 after that he began to slow as the air became more dense. Just imagine your body breaking the sound barrior.
Mach 1? Thats pretty impressive! You will need that height though, because at around 8,000 feet a person has a terminal velocity of about 200 mph when balled up and about 125 mph with arms and feet fully extended to catch the wind.
I woudl love to try skydiving! I have never done it though. If I had kids I'd let them do stuff like that as long as they had proper training. I prolly woudln't let them jump through hoops of fire or from building to building or anything like that though.
OK I need some advice. See um, I have this, well, you could say fantasy, of um, jumping with my girl friend using one chute for two people, and kinda making out in air while we are free falling... Just kissing... :blush: But, she absolutely refuses to go up there, and I can't charm her.... Anyone got ideas?
I'd let him do it, but I'd choose the setting and the school, and I'd sit through training with him. I also would maintain veto power if there was something I didn't like.

LL, if she doesn't wanna go, you can't make her go.
I know :( But I can keep trying. Refusing isn't really the word though, very, very reluctant is more accurate.
I'd make sure the insurance covers it first, then I'd make sure that the jump-master is ex-airborne or para-rescue. Lastly, I'd check the jumpmasters record (how many jumps, etc...). If any one of these is bad, then I'd say no. Otherwise, I'd say yes.
I agree with HomeLAN ... proper training has to come first.

When I first read this thread I thought "NO WAY!" But then, I let my son go surfing and diving .. and that's just as dangerous ... but he's had proper training and so I don't worry so much ...

But to be really honest, I hope he never does ask me to go skydiving .. I hope none of my kids ask me that ... :D
My bf would probably want me to skydive with him too, if he ever had the chance to skydive ...

I would refuse too :D
the way you describe the experience though would almost convince me to do it ... but I'm happy with just diving off a cliff into the river below.