To cut, or not to cut?


New Member
Why is circumcision such a hot issue? Circumcision carries religious implications, since it is traditional practice for Jews and Muslims. In the United States, the procedure has been routine for most of this century.

It turns out that circumcision has rather prudish origins in the United States: It was first promoted in the 1870s as a way to prevent masturbation, according to the Boston-based Circumcision Resource Center. The American medical establishment traditionally has supported circumcision for reasons of health and hygiene. But recent years have seen a fundamental shift in attitudes toward circumcision, and these days most healthcare providers do not recommend it as a matter of course. In fact, circumcision rates are falling nationwide: Today, about 60 percent of baby boys are circumcised. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) revised its policy statement on circumcision in March, 1999 to say that circumcision "demonstrates potential medical benefits [but the data] are not sufficient to recommend routine circumcision," essentially leaving the decision to the parents.

religious or medically necessary should be the only reason to do such a barbaric act. Yes, I am. But why? There was no need.

It pays for a night out for the doctor.
Not to cut.

I can't explain in english why it is unneccesary :( but i read about it a few years ago.
I'm thinking I won't cut my sons. *knowing it's not a Hawaiian practice, and wondering if it's a Japanese practice*
Originally posted by kuulani
And here's a question to you guys ... does it really prevent masturbation? :D
Nope, not at all. There are many other methods for masturbation.

Soap, cherry pie, woman's mouth, blanket, etc... :headbang:
I'm curious as to what it's like to still have the skin. I don't know if I'm gonna do it to my son or not. Doesn't make much sence.
Originally posted by fury
Originally posted by kuulani
And here's a question to you guys ... does it really prevent masturbation? :D
Nope, not at all. There are many other methods for masturbation.

Soap, cherry pie, woman's mouth, blanket, etc... :headbang:

Blanket? wtf :D
How would circumcision prevent masturbation? :confuse3: I'm cut, and I know damn well that it doesn't hurt to masturbate with no foreskin............

I know that because a friend told me..... yeah... :D :headbang: