To HD, or not HD


Well-Known Member
The 21" tv in the bedroom is starting to look passe. Colour's a bit off, image is a bit grainy, etc. I'm tossing about the idea (haven't told the missus yet) of replacing it with the 27" from the living room and getting something HD for the living room. Perhaps a LCD or Plasma, perhaps not. But at least 27".

The 27" only got about 3 years on it. And it's probably too big for the bedroom, really. But it's about the only way I can realisticly justify getting an HD.

Whaddya think? Am I dreaming?
We have a 27" tv in the bedroom and its not too big IMO.Now if its gonna set beside your bed it may be excessive,but even if its on top of an armoir at the foot of the bed or across the room your good to go.
Did you make it up to our room while you were here? That's a 23 incher, and from across the room like that, I kinda want more. 27 won't be excessive if it's some distance off the bed.
A.B.Normal said:
We have a 27" tv in the bedroom and its not too big IMO.Now if its gonna set beside your bed it may be excessive,but even if its on top of an armoir at the foot of the bed or across the room your good to go.

Same here...

If you get the HDTV be sure to check if it is "HD ready" or if it actaully has an HD tuner inside. If it is only HD ready then you will need a $70 reciever/translator unit. :deal:

"During the course of shopping for a digital television, the labels HDTV and HD-Ready maybe of some confusion to the consumer. This HDTV designation signifies that the set has an internal ATSC tuner/decoder, as well as meeting the widescreen specifications often required to be considered a true HDTV. The sets will meet the requirement to display in 1080i/720p, although it is often the former only. Very few digital TVs on the market will display in native 720p. The lack of an ATSC tuner/decoder is not necessarily a negative as many set-top decoders are now available with more features than those included in the integrated HDTV. The separate purchase of a HD-Ready TV and the external set-top-box often provides flexibility to the consumer to choose one that offers added features such as satellite receiver and the proper output signal. Most HD-Ready sets will include a high-band component (Y-Pb-Pr) DTV input, although few on the market also offers RGB for this purpose. There have been much debate between manufacturers as to the aspect ratio specifications of the HDTV designation, and it is now recognized that a true HD set will provide widescreen 16:9 aspect screen. "
I haven't HDed yet. :(
I'm thinking that when I do I'm going for the 3 tube projection instead
of LCD/plasma.

Right now I'v got to do some New Home shopping.....damnit. :alienhuh:
ekahs retsam said:
If you get the HDTV be sure to check if it is "HD ready" or if it actaully has an HD tuner inside. If it is only HD ready then you will need a $70 reciever/translator unit. :deal:

Now there's a useful bit of information. Thanks Shaky, I'd have walked right into that, and never seen it coming.
TV in the bedroom?
but,but,but...bedrooms are for sex and sleep...whatcha need the TV for?
MrBishop said:
TV in the bedroom?
but,but,but...bedrooms are for sex and sleep...whatcha need the TV for?

watch porn while having sex?
Make sure to use S-Video or Component Video cables to hook up the DVD palyer in the bedroom so the money shot is as crisp and clear as possible.
Professur said:
Now there's a useful bit of information. Thanks Shaky, I'd have walked right into that, and never seen it coming.

A friend on mine fell for that one and then found out recievers don't work with his model :banana2:
Try the Home Theater Forum for tons of advice and opinions:

(Yes, there are a lot of banner ads (not pop-ups!), but it's necessary to pay for this totally free site with all it has to offer. It's one of the most, possibly the most, well-known and respected consumer-oriented home theater-related site, and at this exact moment has online well over 300 members and over 1,000 guests, and that's typical. And it's 2-million-plus post count is what's left after pruning. So, you have to scroll through several inches of ads to get to the content. But it's worth it.)
Justin, I remember that place. Nasty little comment about the death of laserdisk, wasn't it? I still haven't seen one. I'll pass, thanks.
Umm...I don't remember?

But there are several different kinds of hi-def televisions/monitors you can buy (plasma, lcd/direct-view, lcd/projection, crt/direct-view, crt front projector, crt rear projector, dlp rear projector...). You can take the salesman's advice or you could look for the advice of people that are really into this kind of thing. Chances are, if you go out tonight and get a salesman to give you his recommendation, you can search for posts on that make and model at HTF and get a lot of good comments about it, possibly including suggestions for another make/model that is as good or better for the same or less price.