To Kill, or Not to Kill


Well-Known Member
If you could go back in time to when Hitler was a mere boy, would you kill him?

Lets say you only had fifteen minutes to be alone with him and he is seven years old.
no, suprisingly enough, cause history is done, and we know what he did was terrible, but what if killing him led to something worse, another guy like him in the 60's lets say, with atomic weapons.

better the devil you know
tis a good thing people can not travel time
my mom's first husband wouldn't have been killed
storming ashore at Tarawa and I'd not have been born?
Killing little Addie would help those in the 30s but would massively alter (or probably end) our lives.
Hell no. If not for him, Germany probably would have allied with Britain and the resulting superpower would have conquered the world. Then I'd have to share nationality with *shudder* the French. *puke*
Nope. If it were not for mass social, military, and ecconomic advances casued by such an ugly war, we would probably all be just entering the 50's level of technology and medical science. The world be balkanized to the Nth degree and most likely under an endless succession of dictatorships of ideology and theocracy.

Hitler might have done a good job getting people angry, but he made some very big mistakes that cost him the war. There's no way to know for sure, but I would expect that if he kept the Nonagression pact with the USSR and put the ME-262 into production in Summer 1942, he could have won. A less political, more military person might have picked up on this. Hermann Goering was in WWI, he would remember how much having a two-front war sucked for Germany, and he would have waited until he had all of Europe before going after the USSR. He also pushed for ME-262 production in 1942. US strategic bombing didn't really get going until late 1943, plenty of time for him to deploy tons of ME-262s to tear apart the bombers. Instead of a few ME-262s against veteran bombers with fighter escorts in late 1944, he could have tons of ME-262s against green bombers without escorts in mid 1943.

Then, with Germany controlling Europe, they could take North Africa, so that we would need to launch a land offensive from the middle east or subsaharan Africa. Then we would have US vs. Germany cold war.
One problem. Even if Hitler had kept the non-aggression pact, it's quite doubtful Stalin would have. He was AT LEAST as power-hungry and mad as Hitler. It was always something of a race to see who would backstab the other first. Hitler was always doomed to a two-front war, given the players involved. Once he was fully committed Westbound, Stalin would have come up his ass sideways.
Professur said:
Hell no. If not for him, Germany probably would have allied with Britain and the resulting superpower would have conquered the world. Then I'd have to share nationality with *shudder* the French. *puke*

Take it one step further, France is part of the allied interest and ends up the rulling party and the whole world is under the French government...
highwayman said:
Take it one step further, France is part of the allied interest and ends up the rulling party and the whole world is under the French government...
The German leader that rose to power instead didn't
have a hate on for Jews. He also realized he couldn't
win against the West. He went to war with Soviet Russia
and as he didn't chase all the Jews out,
he got help from them and got the A-Bomb and defeated Russia.

Now the Japanese in the Pacific never bombed Pear Harbor
but instead consolidated their hold on China.

Fearing the worst, America and her allies after witnessing
the extermination of tens of millions Russians
with atomic weapons didn't want to provoke Germany
until they had adequate nuclear forces to wage a war.

The advanced missile program of the Germans allowed them
to threaten New York City in the early forties and would have
advanced rapidly to the point where their V-5 ICBMS
could reach all of America by the early 50's

The resulting nuclear exchange is still showing its effects today
in 2006, as the foremost current economic power is Brazil!