To the moon


Well-Known Member
Nasa is presently working on returning to the moon. And working on building a base there. But before they get quite that far, I expect they'll preform a few apollo-like missions, if only to test out the technology. Now I'm quite sure there are as many nostalgia buffs at Nasa as here, so ... I just wondering how many people think (as I do) that then first return to the moon missions should target the same locations at the old Apollo sites. Espescially given the technological leaps we've made since then. Plaster casts of Armstrong's first step for the Smithstonian, take the old lunar rovers out for a spin, etc.

Even the chance just to salute the first flag ever planted on another celestial body by man .....
Depends. If the mission truly is to scout a base, they should probably concentrate on checking the most likely areas for that first.
Professur said:
Nasa is presently working on returning to the moon. And working on building a base there. .....
The Japs are working on it too.
We'll see who makes its first... :swing:
HomeLAN said:
Depends. If the mission truly is to scout a base, they should probably concentrate on checking the most likely areas for that first.
Yep. If we go to the places we've been (unless one is a legitmate location for a base) it's just a publicity stunt. A base needs to be in a small crater.
chcr said:
Yep. If we go to the places we've been (unless one is a legitmate location for a base) it's just a publicity stunt. A base needs to be in a small crater.
Yep....Hell Yeah! :nerd:

This brings back to memory that old show "Space 1999".
I thought for sure we'd have a station up there by 2000. :( :confused:

It's all Clinton's fault! :lol2:
So thats where they're planning to put all the rabble from New Orleans,bet you now they'll complain about not enough water. :eyemouth:
Man all this rambling about drilling in Alaska for oil...
We could already have a monopoly on the moon oil. :D
catocom said:
Man all this rambling about drilling in Alaska for oil...
We could already have a monopoly on the moon oil. :D

Please tell me you really know there isn't any.
The Moon Rules!
chcr said:
Please tell me you really know there isn't any.
Now, how could I possibly know. :D
I can deduct that there probably isn't, because there was probably never
any lifeforms there at all, besides us, but.... :lloyd:
There might possibly be natural gas or something though.
At this point I'm curious as to whether that was actually ice in the crater on the dark side. :nerd:
After seeing Tom Hanks Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon what high respect I had for the astronauts went thru the roof. If there's an Imax nearby, by all means, go see this presentation.

Depth perception takes on a whole new meaning.

We already planted the flag. It's time for somebody else to at least get a photo of them standing by it :D
By all means get better pictures and video. I taped the re-release of the moon-landing news video, and almost peed my pants. At some point, they were trying to show how the lander slows down for the landing.

They had a miniature of the lander with a bunsen burner sticking out the bottom, descending slowly towards the moon mockup. It was swaying slowly back and forth and they almost set fire to their moon. :)
Nasa needs to be popular again before we can expect anything significant from them. Then they need to be well auditted and supervised by people with space exploration on their minds, instead of voter's opinions.
professur said:
Nasa needs to be popular again before we can expect anything significant from them. Then they need to be well auditted and supervised by people with space exploration on their minds, instead of voter's opinions.

No, the second part of that needs to happen, and post-haste. The first does not.

The best thing NASA could do to quiet public criticism is to actually pull off a flawless mission. Remember when you could depend on that? Where did that go? That's what we need to be nostalgic for.

Prof, I actually did not mean to edit your post - I hit the wrong friggin' button. I think I put it back the way I found it. Sorry. Damn edit button is way too close to the quote button.