To think

Not anymore. No frigging challenge to see T & A anymore. Christ, I remember in highschool when just seeing a bra's outline under a girl's shirt would be enough to endanger a zipper. Today? You're practically getting nipplage on Sesame Street.
Gonz said:
I was always under the impression that it was boobs & poontang that enticed the boys.

it's alarming to me the number of my kids that are sexually active!! (i'm a high school guidance counselor) it frustrates me to no end, because my hands are tied most of the time. the only time administration wants to address it is when there are two (or sometimes more) students "caught" doing it in the bathrooms at school. i think it should be more of a pre - emptive (spelling?) strike! but i am in the minority on that one. so, in the end, i just get to deal with the teenage pregnancies, the abortions, and the fall out when one of our students gives birth in the bathroom and then throws her premi baby into the dumpster to "get rid of it"!! lovely, isn't it?
They're just gonna do it doncha know. Nobody can stop them so we might as well let them do it at home or in school or in church or at the mall. Hell, if they ask nicely & you aren't fucking your 3rd husbands replacement, lend 'em a hand.

My friends & I were relatively wild in our youth. We would never have even seriously considered this at school (well, maybe in the parking lot). My wife says the kids at our sons would be middle school (we home school) are getting blown in the back hallways & the highschoolers are practicing menage-a-trois' for recreation.

Keep allowing them folks. Don't preach morals & self-discipline and soon, we too, can fall.
Gonz said:
They're just gonna do it doncha know. Nobody can stop them so we might as well let them do it at home or in school or in church or at the mall. Hell, if they ask nicely & you aren't fucking your 3rd husbands replacement, lend 'em a hand.

My friends & I were relatively wild in our youth. We would never have even seriously considered this at school (well, maybe in the parking lot). My wife says the kids at our sons would be middle school (we home school) are getting blown in the back hallways & the highschoolers are practicing menage-a-trois' for recreation.

Keep allowing them folks. Don't preach morals & self-discipline and soon, we too, can fall.

sadly enough, your wife is right! the girls in middle school are participating in what they call "rainbow parties"....that's where the girls all pick different shades of lipstick. the boys line up. the girls go down the line and give all of the boys a blow job. when the girls are done with all of them, the boys look down. and bam!! they've got a rainbow of colors on their d*ck! isn't that a wonderful talent to have? i'm gonna teach my own kids all about it! *lol*
Y'know, I'm pretty sure that it's the raging hormones that prompt kids to have sex. Even when I was in high school (yes, as a matter of fact sex had been invented) you knew what girls to ask out to get laid or blown. The main difference now is that fewer of them are ashamed of it or afraid of getting caught. The raging hormones remain unchanged. I think the biggest problem is how we expect our kids to act like grown ups from an early age. I think this is part of that. I had my first sexual experience (with a female human as opposed to a solo gig) at fourteen and by sixteen I was sexually active by anyone's estimation. I think that by and large people are more hung up on it in both directions now than they were then.
But a couple of centuries back a 16 yo was considered grown up. :D
Luis G said:
But a couple of centuries back a 16 yo was considered grown up. :D

the problem comes from that. At 16, people are 'supposed' to be responable adults, with jobs, farms, families, etc. Not nintendo junkies. At 12, they're supposed to know, and damn well be ready to accept the consequences of their actions. Not still be cuddled into Mummy's busom.
I wasn't very precise. We expect them to act like adults. We don't expect them to be adults. That's the problem.
chcr said:
I wasn't very precise. We expect them to act like adults. We don't expect them to be adults. That's the problem.

No, the problem is .... they are adults ..... evolutionarily. Humans are pack animals. This is pack animal behavior. And this is why junior males are driven from the pack when they become adolecent.
Professur said:
No, the problem is .... they are adults ..... evolutionarily. Humans are pack animals. This is pack animal behavior. And this is why junior males are driven from the pack when they become adolecent.

what does that say for us though? not a whole hell of a lot!!!
browneyedMAC said:
what does that say for us though? not a whole hell of a lot!!!

Well, it all depends on what we have to say for ourselves, doesn't it? If evolution is the highest aspiration for people, then they'll be animals. If they believe in something greater, then there's something greater to strive for, isn't there?
So if your kid listens to classical, he remains a virgin?


(a virgin who gets beat up... perhaps)
Gotta remember that whilst teens are boinking each other silly, things like rainbow parties and the like aren't the norm. I lost my virginity to the BF in a committed relationship when I was 14, and for most of my friends, it was the same as well. Sure, the committed relationships might not have lasted very long in their case, but it wasn't exactly like we were all sleeping around willy-nilly (heh). In any case, I don't think it has any bearing on who I am today (obviously my situation is different from most though, since I'm still with the BF I lost my virginity to).
Professur said:
the problem comes from that. At 16, people are 'supposed' to be responable adults, with jobs, farms, families, etc. Not nintendo junkies. At 12, they're supposed to know, and damn well be ready to accept the consequences of their actions. Not still be cuddled into Mummy's busom.

Socially we've moved "forward". Lessening the responsibilities of our youth so they can concentrate on their studies, for their future.

On the other hand, we've moved away from the feminist ideal of sex without responsibility & back to the 1800s when teenage mothers were normal.

So, now our children, acting like children, are having babies but our children, acting like adults is bad & taking resposibility for ones actions shouldn't be expected of them although they will now, most likely, ruin a childs life because they are acting like children. Where are the adults?

So, in the modern world, forward is backward. How convenient. Where's my wifebeater?
Does it really matter how other folks kids behave?

Why should anyone be concerned with what set of morals the youth of today ascribe too?

Can't we all just make it up as we go along?
