Tofu or not Tofu

Tofu is good in salads. Here's a soup recipe from my mom,

Brown chicken w/ ginger
Cover with water, shoyu (soy sauce), & brown sugar (to taste)
Add Chinese cabbage, onion, green onion
Add udon noodles, tofu

I have a really good one...i make it all the time.

1)Place about a pound of sliced tofu into a bowl

2) On top of that add soy souce

3) shake up the tofu so the sauce gets evenly distributed

4) add salt on top

5) add some pepper..not too much or red pepper is fine

6) now lift up the bowl but before doing that open up a large enough window

7) Pick the bowl up, head to the window and chuck the tofu out the window in a sweeping motion as to not cause too much stress.

8) Smile and now get real food
Um, well this is a japanese dish I particularly like, however, miso (fermented bean paste) is an aquired taste and comes in several different types - red, white and hacho.

Miso soup with beancurd and spinich.

150g cotton beancurd
50g fresh spinich leaf
800ml dashi (made from kombu seaweed and dried fish flakes - can be obtained as instant dashi powder)
60 ml red miso

cut bean curd into 1cm cubes.
wash spinich and tear out tough centre viens.
cook in boiling water for 4 mins, then refresh in cold water before cutting into 4 cms lengths and draining.
heat dash, reserving 100 ml to mix with miso.
when hot stir in well blended miso and add beancurd cubes. cook on low heat for 3 mins WITHOUT boiling.(boiling destroys the flavour)
add spinich and serve immediately in heated bowls.

No additional salt is required as the miso is quite salty.
See, I'm big on "don't knock it 'til you try it" when it comes to food. But that doesn't sound appetizing in the least, Aunty. :s
Well it's a brown paste and has different textures depending on which sort it is. I can't really describe the taste as I can't think of anything western that comes anywhere near to it, except maybe a hint of yeast extract. Hacho in particular has a very rich flavour.

Personally I love it, especially with seaweed (wakame) instead of spinich. :)
In your favorite spahetti sauce recipe, substitute the ground beef with firm tofu, grated. Has almost the same texture as the beef. This is for when you are not keen on the tofu taste (or lack thereof), but want the health benefits.
kuulani said:
by the way, aunty, have you ever tried miso salmon *shudders* :licklips:
No, but it sounds interesting. I really like tempura, especially tiger prawns, beef teryaki and mackeral skinned and cut into thin strips in rice vinegar. I love the artistic way in which the japanese present their food... mine is not quite so pretty, but I do try.

I learnt to use japanese chopsticks by using them to eat a large bag of peanuts. :)
Thanks for the recipies :) I'll have to try some of them out...maybe not the windows one (though I wish that I could). I'm not horribly excited about trying out tofu...frankly, I don't have a choice. :p

Healthy food.... :puke:
Tofu will take on the flavour of whatever you put it in. You can also buy smoked tofu which is very nice on kebabs with various veges and sauces.

I've also got various chinese cookery and vegatarian cookbooks which also have some good tofu recipes in them. You should try browsing the cookery section in a local a bookshop as well.