tonksy is really cool!

New Zealand has some standardized names for coffee... heres a breakdown:

Short Black -- a single shot of thick black coffee
Long Black -- a long, but very strong cup of black
Americano -- a Long Black with extra hot water, for those who prefer filter
Flat White -- Very strong coffee with hot milk and no foam
Cappuccino-- the traditional, one-third coffee, one-third milk, and one-third foam
Latte -- a large cup of very milky coffee with a thin layer of foam on top
Moccaccino -- coffee with hot chocolate instead of milk

'Twas something I had to get used to as well when I was out there.
Well... its their attempt at espresso. The consumption over there did seem to be about 85% slighted towards tea. Most places only had coffee as a passing thought for tourists. The way I saw it, ALL coffee over there is born as a shot of espresso... its what they do to that shot of espresso afterwards that they call coffee. If you want a cup of coffee: make a shot of espresso, pour it into a mug, fill up with hot water ... viola!... coffee in a roundabout manner.
Ah well, as long as they enjoy it I suppose there's no harm....after all it's New Zeeland, if their mating rituals are anything to go by it's no wonder the coffee is yuck ;)

Hey, how was Hawaii? You probably mentioned it somewhere, but I'm a lazy git and in no mood to read through thousands of posts, besides, I have a headache of biblical proportions.
Egads.. I've been talking about Hawai'i so much and in so many places that even I don't know where to just point to for a general synopsis. Most of my talk about it was on another board...

Start here:

then here:

and here(starting with post 8) :

and so on:

and so on:




and lastly:
Um... We call expresso expressos. :shrug: I will grant you that a few years back the coffee tasted like shit, but the cafe culture has taken off since about 2000 onwards.

Here's what you generally find in cafes:

Flat white: shot of expresso, shot of milk, no foam.
Latte: Milky coffee. Basically flat white but with more milk.
macchiato: shot of expresso, plus cream
Expresso: shot of straight coffee
Cappuccino: some frothy concoction I avoid...
mocha/moccaccino: coffee and chocolate

There may be others, but they're the only ones I remember.