Too PC to stop gay child abuse


Well-Known Member
September 06, 2007

TWO gay foster parents were allowed to sexually abuse boys because social workers feared being accused of discrimination, a report reveals.

Officials knew there were question marks against Ian Wathey, 40, and Craig Faunch, 32.

But despite allegations about the first two kids they fostered, they were allowed to have 18 children in their care over 18 months.

An independent inquiry said managers and social workers at Wakefield Council, West Yorks, were reluctant to investigate them for fear of being seen as prejudiced against gay people.

The inquiry’s report said: “The fear led them to fail to discriminate between the appropriate and the abusive.”

It said some council staff were “ill-equipped” for their jobs and chiefly blamed middle managers for blunders.

Faunch and Wathey, of Pontefract, were jailed for six and five years respectively in June 2006.

Their trial at Leeds Crown Court heard that when suspicions were raised about an indecent photo of a boy urinating, social workers decided the men had been simply “naive and silly”.


Draw your own conclusions.
Once again, it's not the nature of the crime but the seriousness of the charge and we all know that being accused of discrimination is way worse than destroying a child.

FDR said:
This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.

Draw your own conclusions.
Conclusion: The managers and social workers at Wakefield Wakefield Council, West Yorks, are guilty of child neglect by not investigating suspicions of abuse. Unfortunately way too many foster kids end up in harmful environments, and foster homes should be subjected to regular check-ups to ensure childrens safety.
Conclusion: The managers and social workers at Wakefield Wakefield Council, West Yorks, are guilty of child neglect by not investigating suspicions of abuse. Unfortunately way too many foster kids end up in harmful environments, and foster homes should be subjected to regular check-ups to ensure childrens safety.


Yep, social workers just simply not doing their job and making lame excuses. Some here fall for it though.
yep folks the homos are coming (ha ha) for your children. there's buggery around every corner. *yawn.*

now, should we count up all the instances of heterosexual abuse, and compare? let's not forget to include all those wonderful father-daughter relationships that are swept under the rug or half-knowlingly ignored for YEARS because of pussies that don't confront others when appropriate.
If we did that then we would actually be following the FDR quote above:

"This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly"

Lip service is what is needed here. :laugh:

Love the new sig.
let's not forget to include all those wonderful father-daughter relationships that are swept under the rug or half-knowlingly ignored for YEARS because of pussies that don't confront others when appropriate.

But, but, at least they ain't homos.
Yeah, lets make sure that when kids are gonna be messed up, then at least they are messed up by the right folks. :)
now, should we count up all the instances of heterosexual abuse, and compare? let's not forget to include all those wonderful father-daughter relationships that are swept under the rug or half-knowlingly ignored for YEARS because of pussies that don't confront others when appropriate.

Doesn't sound like you know what you're saying there. How many are we talking about? If they are, as you say, 'swept under the rug', then they wouldn't make it to any statistical analysis. I ain't sayin' that they never happen. Just that that statement smells a bit like :bs: to me.
well that's cool. it must be comforting since it's a familiar smell.

and besides, you can use google. figure it out.
I like how the subject of this thread has eased away from the real issue to treat this as an attack against homos. Very smooth. 'Cept that the whole point of discussion isn't whether homos are more or less likely to assault children, but that some people are afraid to speak against them lest they be labeled homophobes. Something that I'm accused of on this board fairly often. Odd how that point was swept under the rug.
let's not forget to include all those wonderful father-daughter relationships that are swept under the rug or half-knowlingly ignored for YEARS because of pussies that don't confront others when appropriate.

yeah, um, well, that was the point of the above. "PC" pretty much falls beside the point, when it's really more about "wussing it" when confrontation is the thing to do.

"PC." ha. wasn't that the big "oppressor" some years ago? didn't realize it was still keeping folks down. :rofl:
I like how the subject of this thread has eased away from the real issue to treat this as an attack against homos. Very smooth. 'Cept that the whole point of discussion isn't whether homos are more or less likely to assault children, but that some people are afraid to speak against them lest they be labeled homophobes. Something that I'm accused of on this board fairly often. Odd how that point was swept under the rug.
I reckon people often like to stay within their comfort zone, and if people don't have a good work ethic it will affect their job, like in this case - the social workers. In some cases it may result in them turning a blind (or heavily sight impaired) eye to tricky situations, be it having to take on media, parents with resources (who still neglect their kids), having kids change foster homes too often, failure to investigate a case because they fear being accused of discrimination of some sort...

What it boils down to in this case is that the managers and social workers at Wakefield Wakefield Council, West Yorks, are guilty of child neglect by not investigating suspicions of abuse. They failed their job, no excuses are valid.