Tooth Fairies


Staff member
I don't have girls, nor are my boys falling for all that rot anymore, but I read this tonight and I wanted to share it with all the girl-keepers. It sounds like a real magical experience/laugh/good time for all involved.

The idea is this - When the tooth-fairy comes, along with the coinage, sprinkle glitter around their pillow, in their hair, in the windowsill (with tiny foot prints), and tell them it's fairy dust.

I just would have so been all over that when I was tiny. And when I was a grownup were there girls around.
Sounds like a cute idea!
We've had to do the tooth fairy only once for Marlowe when she had those 3 pulled. She was so excited with her coloring books and puzzle that I doubt she would have noticed but I will try that next time.
When I was a kid, I wondered if the tooth fairy was real... so one day, when I lost a tooth, I put it under my pillow and didn't tell anyone. I mentioned this to my mom the next day after I woke up and found the tooth still there instead of my dollar, and she tried to tell me the fairy showed up and she sent her away.
Okay, so not exactly applicable to the thread but kinda....and mainly because I couldn't find the kid pic thread:

~Fairy nap~

Mine aren't losing their teeth yet, but Bishjr. hears all about the Sandman :)

Rule 1 - keep your eyes closed. Sandmen don't like to be seen
Rule 2 - don't cats, they're frightnend off by sudden movements
Rule 3 - no noises...ditto

Sandmen bring you nice dreams.

*WTF? Keeps'em quiet and they fall asleep. :beardbng:
Here's a nice segue - he got two books today before lights-out. The first was Olivia's Opposites..the second, a book that my father left with me when he'd found it downstairs....a beginners guide to 'Where do babies come from"...using flowers, animals and people to tell the story. OMG!! it wasn't all that bad, but I wish that I could be a fly on the wall tomorrow when he tells a teacher or student that sperm goes up the vagina and into the Euterus, and THAT's where babies come from!
I actually had a book that was kind of like that. "a doctor talks to 5- to 8-year-olds." It had a picture of two frogs getting it on, and all sorts of other stuff. My mom found it, bought it and gave it to me because I had a lot of questions because she had a hysterectomy when I was in the first grade.