Top 10 science tricks - Make yourself a SuperHero!!


Well-Known Member
Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird. It's a plane. It's… you?
Admit it — you've fantasized about soaring through the sky like Superman or swinging from building to building like Spidey. Unfortunately, superheroes exist in only comic books, cartoons and movies. And then it usually takes being doused with radioactive waste or belted by gamma rays to hear a gun cock from a mile away or crush cars like soda cans.
But with scientists apparently drawing inspiration from the comics they read when they were kids, the line between science fiction and science fact has become blurred. Superheroics suddenly seem like a viable career option. Follow the link to see how you, too, with today's technologies, can spin webs and get superhuman strength.
Most of these devices I've already seen in the news. It's cool to see them all in one place, though.

Science is a wonderful thing... aint it? :D