ToTUS Dissed by SCoTUS!

It’s one of those things that once you’ve recognized it, you can’t stop noticing it.
Truth is I have assiduously avoided ever hearing or seeing the great one’s visage.
Similar to what I had to endure during the Cliton’s reign.
Oh Lord please deliver us from Hussein?
Because you do?

If you are strictly opposed to the politican beliefs of another, and have shown the error of their ways, blanket dismissals save everyone time & effort.

considering that you're wrong most of the time, and almost completely unwilling to consider anything other than kneejerk references to the constitution and your particular version of "conservative," your dismissals are particularly stimulating.

at least when i'm dismissive it's wrapped in some form of buffoonery.

not like the pack of drama queen chimps around here that's always working itself into an imaginary military strategy session about figmentary marxists, muslims, man-love, and masticated monkey meat.

it's really sad when europussies have far more understanding of the world around them than the couch commando contingent here.

seriously dude, several of y'all are at about the same level of politcal and social sophistication i brought to a discussion when i was 15. so you'll have to excuse me when dismissiveness at that level is nothing more than laughable.

yeah, please, go ahead and make the typical "mister high and mighty" reference. or, better yet, go see doctor for cephalorectal disaggregation manuevre.

It appears that some young kiddies aren't as easily impressed as the ones who willingly voted to destroy this country.

It appears that some young kiddies aren't as easily impressed as the ones who willingly voted to destroy this country.

It's hard to tell what he thinks of the Bush voters without actually talking to him. Also hard to tell what he thinks of the guy next to him that's cleaning up the mess. I'm sure whatever he has to say, it's important. :laugh:
US consumption alone which dropped 900,000 barrel a day last week,
confirming that US demand is at a 10 year low
and hardly suggestive of an economy that is cultivating the green shoots of recovery.
And the economy continuing to spiral into the abyss
on your guys watch is a good thing as well, for U.S.!
Sure does take a lot of work to clean up the mess your guy left. Things are starting to look up though for the US.
That was supposed to be where you apologized.
Not where you cleared up which board member you attacked.
Just because she's a conservative gives you the right to be jackass?

Damn this is funny coming from you. :rofl2:
From now on, invesments can be sent to China since American bonds aren't worth the paper they're printed on...
I do. He was a hell of a public speaker, sans teleprompter. He used one for major speeches.

"Hollywood" Ronnie was an actor. He used a teleprompter for his speeches and 3x5 index cards the rest of the time. Ronald Reagan was the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon America. He sold us down the river and gave the country to corporations. It is suspected Reagan was in the early stages of Alzheimer's during his first term and it is common knowledge he dozed through cabinet meetings.

What made America think Reagan was a hell of a public speaker was his speeches were scripted for him and when someone threw him a curve ball, he resorted to a witty remark. Reagan used buffoonery to fake Americans and took America down the path from prosperity to a place where the American standard of living has been reduced to families where both members are working and struggling to get by.