Tour de Frog


New Member
Anyone else watching the cycling action over in Frenchyland? Theres just something about scrawny guys with 5% body fat cycling 35mph up 7 degree mountain inclines that makes my chest hurt just watching them.

The hatred of lance Armstrong is thick enough to cut with a knife. For the life of me, I can't figure out why other than he is an American showing everyone up in what is felt to be a Euro-dominated sport.
He wore the yellow jersey (aka overall leader) 7 times out of someting like 10 stages. Hes a-rocking right along. His genetic freakazoid lungs and heart allow him to propell his skinny butt up the steep mountains rather effortlessly.
Hes kept the Yellow Jacket since he got it...and he started a hell of a lot earlier than usual. He's got a strong but not insurmountable lead.

Pretty damn good for a vegetarian, and a guy who's about to retire.
I think that he'll take it, if he can avoid some of the spectacular crashes that come with this race on occasion.

It'd be a hell of a way to retire.
I'd sooner watch old people screw than waste my time watching a bicycle race.

As to the hatred of Mr. Armstrong, mayhap it has something to do with all the doping allegations, and his replies to same. Turned me off to him for certain.
He gets dope tested four times as oft as anyone else in the sport and not one whit of anything illgeal has even been found. I would lose my cool too if I was baselessly chided as much as he has been... for as many years as he has been.
OK mebbe years ago he doped and got one of
his nutz rotted off mebbe not.
He certainly isn't dopin' now!
The point is, that mutha has dominated a very strenuous
sport for such a long time that his accomplishment
may never be matched and is certainly magnificent.
Sure would like to see him win this AGAIN then retire
on top of the heap!

I absolutely loved his lines in the movie Dodgeball.
I tried to find them online and include them in this post but alas it was to no avail.
One of the funniest parts of a very funny movie.
This? :

Lance Armstrong: Hey, aren't you Peter La Fleur?
Peter La Fleur: Lance Armstrong!
Lance Armstrong: Ya, that's me. But I'm a big fan of yours.
Peter La Fleur: Really?
Lance Armstrong: Ya, I've been watching the dodgeball tournament on the Ocho. ESPN 8. I just can't get enough of it. Good luck in the tournament. I'm really pulling for you against those jerks from Globo Gym. I think you better hurry up or you're gonna be late.
Peter La Fleur: Uh, actually I decided to quit... Lance.
Lance Armstrong: Quit? You know, once I was thinking of quitting when I was diagnosed with brain, lung and testicular cancer all at the same time. But with the love and support of my friends and family, I got back on the bike and won the Tour de France five times in a row. But I'm sure you have a good reason to quit. So what are you dying of that's keeping you from the finals?
Peter La Fleur: Right now it feels a little bit like... shame.
Lance Armstrong: Well, I guess if a person never quit when the going got tough, they wouldn't anything to regret for the rest of their life. Well good luck to you Peter. I'm sure this decision won't haunt you forever.
heh heh heh Yep that's the one!
hopefully soon it could be changed too read,

seven times inna row? :rofl3:
They covered the 111-mile 10th stage in 4 hours, 50 minutes, 35 seconds. Because of a protest at the start by farmers angry over wolf attacks on their sheep and cows, organizers shortened the race by more than 9 miles, beginning it after the town of Froges, near the city of Grenoble.

wtf?! Wolves are making snacky bits of your livestock and you decide to: A: klll the fucking wolves. B: protest the local and federal government for aid... or C: gate crash a bike race. If you said 'c', award yourself the Croix de Guerre. :rolleyes: French logic escapes me.
I think it helps that Armstrong actually does exercise and training in the off-season instead of sitting on his ass the rest of the year like a lot of the other guys do.

Last time they inspected his room, though, they did find a couple of substances that are banned in France... soap and deodorant. :D
I wish that they'd control the spectators more. Did you see towards the end of last night's race...two guys (OUT OF SEVERAL) who ran alongside the racers... one with an American flag damn near tripped right in front of the 4 forerunners and some guy with a belgian flag was so close that the guy in 3rd place had to push the flag from out of his face.

Thats constant throughout the race where there is a relatively slow pacing uphill area. I saw it happen 20 times per stage. At least the goof with the flag didnt touch anyone. I saw a local actually run up and start clapping happily on his favorite racers back.
A bit more on the spectator idiocy

Spectator hits Tour de France rider in the faceJuly 19, 2005

PAU, France (AP) -- A spectator hit Tour de France rider Andrey Kashechkin in the face during Tuesday's 16th stage, the second crowd-related problem in the last three days. The roadside spectator was cheering on the riders as they raced up a climb and hit the Kazakh rider, apparently accidentally, as he cycled past. ``He got a fist in the face,'' said Roger Legeay, manager of Kashechkin's Credit Agricole team.