Town for sale on eBay...


New Member
mwehehe, an entire Californian town for just over $500,000! :D

What a present that would be...

I think this link should work.

hehe, you get your own post office and bridges - so cool!
hmmm, no negative feedback, nice looking town...comes with post office and earth moving equipment...sounds like a good deal to me. (other than the fact that I just can't liquidate $539,000 right now.)
the most important question...

is what's up with the town that they wanna get rid of it??
Re: the most important question...

nambit said:
is what's up with the town that they wanna get rid of it??

Looking at the stats they posted, I wouldn't doubt that its in dire financial shape...Its expensive to run a small town. Our town has two dams that need replacing and the state says its our responsibility. But we have to have their engineers approve the plans...Its gonna cost millions and the town is only about 1000 homes.
Any American Gothic fans could re-create thier very own Trinity,
Shame I don't have enough BUCKS to buy it.

BUCKS - American Gothic - Get it!!! *groan*:rolleyes:
Altron said:
A house on the beach, regular size lot, in New Jersey, costs $500k - $1 million :eek:

thats not too suprising. a couple of towns over have McMansions going for that much and it isn't even near the water.