

molṑn labé
Staff member
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A bag of candy shocked a local grandmother and will most likely shock you. The toy inside looks like a plane flying right into the Twin Towers. Now, that toy is off some local store shelves because of our story.

It doesn't stop there, though. That grandmother was surprised, again, when she read the numbers imprinted on the toy.

Rodriguez has pictures of the Twin Towers in her living room to remember the victims of 9/11. She says there is no mistake what the toy represents, especially when you look at the product number on every single toy: 9011.


ORLANDO, Fla. -- Channel 9 prompted some quick action after we found a children's toy that had a plane between two towers. Lisy Corporation officials are defending their company and say they feel they were tricked into putting the toy in their candy bags.

The toys are packaged with candy sold at Hispanic groceries. They were distributed as far away as Boston.

The company that sold them, but now has recalled them, is called Lisy Corporation, a Miami-based spice, snack and candy company.

Lisy Corp. says they are angry and blame L&M. They believe the product was manufactured in China.

For the second day in a row, the importer of the toy, L&M Import and Export refused to comment. But, they told Channel 9 they didn't think it was a big deal, saying they consider it just a toy for children and don't think it's inappropriate.



Tricked into putting the toy in the bag?

L&M IMPORT: "Well Lisy Corp, it's been a pleasure doing buisness with you." stands to leave "Hey, isn't that Margret Thatcher?" points to window ledge then quickly stuffs toy in bag when Lisy Corp isn't looking "No? Hmmm, musta been a pigeon. Well, have a great day. walks out of room like nothing happened....

[b] said:
Tricked into putting the toy in the bag?

L&M IMPORT: "Well Lisy Corp, it's been a pleasure doing buisness with you." stands to leave "Hey, isn't that Margret Thatcher?" points to window ledge then quickly stuffs toy in bag when Lisy Corp isn't looking "No? Hmmm, musta been a pigeon. Well, have a great day. walks out of room like nothing happened....


Ahhh...and you wonder why people wanted to hear from you again....your "homosexual agenda" aside. :D
So much for an error in judgement


Second Toy Found In Candy Appears To Depict Osama Bin Laden

POSTED: 10:43 am EDT August 30, 2004
UPDATED: 2:18 pm EDT August 30, 2004

MIAMI -- In Miami, a wholesaler has announced that his company will recall 14,000 bags of candy.

The bags contain a toy that looks like a plane flying into a building and, we found, a second toy that looks like Osama Bin Laden suspended between the two buildings.

Eyewitness News broke this story, but, for the first time, we had the chance to speak with a representative from the corporation that distributed the candy.

"Importers did not realize what they were buying. They were buying assortments of toys and they get to people like us trying to sell authentic Mexican candies. Nobody caught it and it went out into the stores," explains Lisy Corporation manager Luis Pardon.

The manager of Lisy Corporation says the candy was originally purchased sight unseen, but now he'll send back all he's collected.
The manager of Lisy Corporation says the candy was originally purchased sight unseen, but now he'll send back all he's collected.

The toys are bad enough,but I'd wanna have the candy tested too,you never know what they may have put into it. :alienhuh:
Gato_Solo said:

Ahhh...and you wonder why people wanted to hear from you again....your "homosexual agenda" aside. :D

Why Gato, I think that's the nicest things you've ever said to me... ever. :D

What kind of fucked up company are you if you don't know what kind of toy is being put into your candy bags. Someone isn't doing their job properly or just doesn't care. As long as they make a profit!!! Sick!
Uki Chick said:
What kind of fucked up company are you if you don't know what kind of toy is being put into your candy bags. Someone isn't doing their job properly or just doesn't care. As long as they make a profit!!! Sick!


Yes those toys are on the wrong side of taste but what if the plastics used were sunlight sensitive and decomposed producing toxins etc etc etc... THAT has to be the major worry for parents.
Nobody has gone to the real source of the problem yet. The candy manufacturer should know what's going into the bags, surely, but these toys weren't made by the candy folks. They were made by an independent manufacturer in China.

The toy maker in China obviously has a market for toys like this somewhere, or they wouldn't be mass producing them. Where is that market, hmmm?
Thank you HomeLAN. I was wondering if anybody would notice.

Taken a step further, why should China worry, they have a billion people.

somewhere around here I have a "the Chinese are coming to get us" thread. Showing their power changes, in cycles, over the last (whole bunch) of decades.
Inkara1 said:
I hope I'm not the only one who has a slight distrust of the Chinese government.
:eek: There are two kinds of paranoia, rampant and insufficient. :D

I keep wondering if they still have something to do with North Korea and what's going on there.
chcr said:
I keep wondering if they still have something to do with North Korea and what's going on there.
I think that's almost a given. North Korea is a little smaller than the state of Mississippi, yet has the money for a nuclear program. I think it's obvious at least the money is coming from China.
China is one of the, if not the, main reasons I'm so adamant about this whole War on Terrorism. Terrorism is not their style. Attacking an adversary whose not showing strength & willingness to do what it takes is. North Korea is the exact same powder keg is was in 1954. The differences are, Kim Il Jung, unlike his father, is crazier tham athree dollar bill & The Russians aren't coming to this party though the communists will still be there.
PuterTutor said:
I think that's almost a given. North Korea is a little smaller than the state of Mississippi, yet has the money for a nuclear program. I think it's obvious at least the money is coming from China.

Don't the N. Koreans make bagfulls of cash selling their Missile Guidance Systems etc?......I remember reading somewhere that a lot of the world had it's nose put out of joints when the Russians bought it off them.

Could be wrong of course......I ain't bought a missile guidance system recently...dunno wot they sell for these days
They've been known to peddle tech to the highest bidder. That's one reason I think ol' George isn't doing enough about their nuke program.
Inkara1 said:
I hope I'm not the only one who has a slight distrust of the Chinese government.

not at all. though I am more afraid of N.Korea, I dont trust China. Among a few other govts.