Tractor standoff


molṑn labé
Staff member
This farmer sounds seriously pissed.

Watson, 50, from Whitakers, N.C., drove a jeep towing the tractor on a trailer off a curb on Constitution Avenue NW. Then he drove the jeep into the small pond around noon yesterday. Since then, more than 100 Park Police and agents from the FBI and ATF have been negotiating to try to end the episode peacefully.

Asked when he might end the standoff, Watson said: "I've got the rest of my life to stay right here. I'm not going anywhere."

Washington Post
He's a tobacco farmer that's pissed off cause the feds are cutting subsidies to tobacco farmers.
Here's the good bit.

But Watson added that he wanted to stand up to the government over its policies of cutting subsidies to farmers and making it difficult for American tobacco growers to compete internationally. He said he wants the government's landmark lawsuit against tobacco companies thrown "in the garbage can, where it belongs."

Cutting subsidies. Doesn't that mean that you have to get off your ass and make your own money, instead of getting paid for loosing money? And to top it off, he's been getting taxpayer's money for growing poison. <Hermione>What. An. Idiot.
Yep, I agree, the time of subsidizing tobacco farmers is done. There are still farmers all over the country that make half or more of their money from the feds though. I remember growing up in Iowa, the farmer that I worked for was pissed cause he could let his fields grow weeds and make more money than he could growing crops.
Can we get a 12 year old arab kid to go detonate this guy? At least he'll serve the public good by deepening that pond a bit.
Nah...he didn't gve up. Walked accross the street to buy a pack of smokes...he'll be right back.
umm.. government selective targeting has existed since the ressurection. It doesn't have to make sense. Everything is taxed and reverse taxed up and down the food chain from idea, implementaion, raw materials, production, storage, selling, owning. If you are confused, the government has done its job.
Cause the poor tobacco farmer needs to make a living too, but mostly because of Jesse.
Tobacco is still agriculture and therefore the government is obligated to pay them a fair market value for their production... or pay them not to grow at all.