Traffic Stop 101

What Inkara1 said reminds me of another tip I'd forgotten about.

When you do pull over, be sure to leave enough room on both sides of the vehicle for the officer to approach on his/her preferred side.
Once you are stopped, he has probable cause. That much is true. However, since you are in the vehicle, he must get consent to search. The reason you should refuse is because, if the stop is bogus (it happens quite a bit to certain people), he/she will back off. If its serious, then he/she will have no problem getting a warrant anyway. It will take time, but that's not his/her problem. Its yours. ;)

no, a simple traffic stop does not clear the probable cause burden, and a cop needs something more than that to LEGALLY search a vehicle. like rolling papers on the dash board in plain sight.

if cops had probable cause automatically upon a traffic stop they would never bother asking about a search because they'd already have admissability on whatever they found. they'd simply have you get out, and search it.

if you refuse to consent to a search and a cop goes to search anyway, then you ask "what is your probable cause?" that often will cause them to back off. they need to be able to name something.

no cop has ever asked to search my car in the few traffic stops i've had. your mileage may vary.

the above does not constitute a legal opinion. i'm just parroting what my old boss, who at the the time was chair of the county ACLU at the time, told me.
Power windows man!!

The "reach and crank" is mostly why I got power windows. I can manage to crank my own no's when you need the passenger window down, or when someone gets out an d leaves it down and you need it up that's the hassle.

"You know, Mom and Dad, I'd sure love to take this FREE CAR that's (at the time) less than three years old and has less than 50,000 miles on it... but it doesn't have power windows."

Detroit, Seattle, kollege, beginning to sense a pattern here?

didn't say i ageed with all his politics. but he is one of those stand-up guys who actually does what he says he'll do. and he's a liberal. imagine that. :eek3:

and that's "university" to you, chimpy boy. :D
Many liberals do as they claim. They just do the wrong damned thing.

University-schmuniveristy. I was smarter than my professors so I went out & got a life instead. :lol:
They FINALLY beat someone... although Cal is in a tailspin right now. Beat Oregon next week and I'll be on the bandwagon.