Trail Cameras and Home Security


Well-Known Member
My in-laws are loking into setting up a no-flash trail camera to help see who uses their property down south when they're not there. I understand the basics, but does anyone have any direct experience with them..or perhaps a home-security alternative motion-sensitive digicam/digivid that I can look up?

My in-laws are loking into setting up a no-flash trail camera to help see who uses their property down south when they're not there. I understand the basics, but does anyone have any direct experience with them..or perhaps a home-security alternative motion-sensitive digicam/digivid that I can look up?


An infra-red game camera would work, but how would they monitor it from where they are located? Secondly, how would they keep it from getting stolen? Best bet is a motion-detector home security system monitored by an outside source, like Brinks or ADT.
They don't want to monitor it from home...they just want photographic evidence in case of B&E or..arson. Stopping it from getting stolen would be the tricky part, but from what I understand, the aperature isn't very big, so hiding it in a 'birdhouse' facing the door, or facing the path leading to the house would work.
Oh, sorry. I thought they'd want the law to catch them in the act when they get an e-mail from their security system telling them someone is trespassing on their property.
They have borrowed dial-up and rarely check email.

Several people cross the property to get to the river (for fishing)'s a good step-in point. Some have even used the picnic table for meals. Nobody in the family cares, so long as they don't damage things.

Roughly 1 month ago, someone set fire to the place..arson, not accident. The police have 'leads' (see suspition being thrown around by neighbours about..other neighbours), but nothing solid.

Since they are rebuilding the place and sinking much cash into it..they want to know crosses their property and who doesn't respect it.

The odds of catching someone actually breaking in :shrug:

I recommended them placing a fake/broken video camera on their property on an old telephone pole, aiming at the door with a wire leading into the ground..just visible enough to use as a deterant, but they don't share my enthusiasm.
Link works fine for me.

Madisson in Laval has fake security cameras for $9. A couple of AA batteries make is swivel back and forth. It`s pretty obviously a fake up close, but it is visible enough from a distance to back off anyone, until they decide to go find out what`s needing protecting, and to steal the recorder. Then you`ve just invited trouble. I expect that`s their prime objection, neh?

If you seriously want to investigate trailcams, the chasse et peche on Tachereau should be your first stop, but I`d recommend buying down south, either the Walmart or Gander. Both have stock on sale right now, some well under $100. You definitely want an IR flash, tho. But I really suggest reading up on Archery talk about how to secure the camera. No small number of them get stolen every year, along with tree stands.
I re-checked teh bowhunter's back. (Smart use of the question during searches to avoid spiders).

I'll have to do some reading at home.

My husband bought a trail camera for his b-day back in August and ended up sending it back because he hated it. I would like to buy him a good trail camera for chirstmas and I am thinking of buying a cuddeback. Has anyone had any experience with this brand?
At least it's topical spam... better than a comment on a myspace blog post of a poem or song lyrics that says, "Hey, thanks for writing this. I totally agree, but anyway I just HAVE to tell you about how I won a FREE $500 Macy's gift card..."
I've heard of'em... went to the link to doublecheck..They specialize in classic home alarms (with the little number pad), and window sensors. Nuthin' special.