Translation please


molṑn labé
Staff member
off to work...somebody translate this, I have an idea of it's contents..Viva la France

Des malfaiteurs gravent une étoile de David sur le poignet d'une étudiante juive

AIX-EN-PROVENCE (AP) - Trois malfaiteurs cagoulés ont gravé une étoile de David avec un objet métallique coupant sur le poignet d'une étudiante juive de 21 ans après l'avoir agressée mardi soir à son domicile d'Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône), a-t-on appris mercredi de source judiciaire.

Les pistes d'un acte raciste ou d'un conflit personnel sont évoquées par les enquêteurs du commissariat de police d'Aix-en-Provence.

Cette jeune fille venait d'assister à un débat sur le conflit israélo-palestinien au cinéma "Le Renoir" à Aix-en-Provence quand elle a été agressée à son domicile, deux ou trois heures plus tard.

Une enquête a été ouverte pour "violences aggravées", selon une source judiciaire.
Criminals engrave a star of David on the wrist of a Jewish coed Aix-en-Provence (AP) - Three cagoulés criminals engraved a star of David with a cutting metal object on the wrist of 21 years a Jewish coed after to have attacked it Tuesday evening in its residence of Aix-en-Provence (Rhone delta), one learned Wednesday from legal source. The tracks of a racist act or a personal conflict are evoked by the investigators of the police station of Aix-en-Provence. This girl had just assisted with a debate on the israélo-Palestinian conflict with the cinema "Renoir" in Aix-en-Provence when she was attacked in her residence, two or three hours later. An investigation was open for "violences worsened", according to a legal source.
Three hooded racist frogs carved a Star of David into a 21 year old jewish girl's wrist with a sharp metalic object. She was at home, after having participated in a debate on the Israli-palestinian conflict at the Renoir Theater several hours before.
US President, George W. Bush was caught with a 21 year old jewish hooker in the Azures, sources close to.....Nevermind...I don't really know latin.... :tardbang:
Hey...they beat her up, hold her down and carve something into her wrist... :grumpy: about this instead. Some Crescent street bouncers beat them up, hold them down and tattoo..."I sucked off your father to pay for this tattoo" on their foreheads.

Sounds like an eye for an eye...

ps. I'm calm Prof....almost too calm.:eek: