Travelin' Man


molṑn labé
Staff member
Who's going where & what the hell are you thinking? It's Thanksgiving fer chrissake.

We're staying home (well, one block over at the in-laws). Once traveled on this weekend has ended that forever.
I'm going to check out some land the next county over. Other then that I'm staying home this year (not leaving the state). YES!
... and that sucks for you!

LOL. Spot's gonna go insane! Spot's gonna go insane! Spot's gonna go insane!
Given the option between hosting & traveling, I'll take what's behind door number 3 Monty.
I'd have been cool with hosting, but everyone has commitments to elderly relatives close to them who can't travel. For the first time in 8 years, I will NOT be going to Dallas for the holiday. I'll probably go 30 minutes to the mother-in-laws for dinner, and then go 2 hours to my Mom's for the next two days. All car travel, no fucking planes. Yay.
To any of yous with access to [disclaimer]homemade[/disclaimer] pumpkin pie over the weekend, have a piece for me.
Geez, twist my arm why doncha?

Aunt's house as always. Hot topic's gonna be what to do with Grandma, she's getting worse, her Aricept dose has been doubled, and they're recommending her for assisted living, which is basically doubling her bills. Exciting conversation topic.
Leslie said:
To any of yous with access to [disclaimer]homemade[/disclaimer] pumpkin pie over the weekend, have a piece for me.

Not just homemade, but homemade, sugar-free, with real whipped cream. I gots a new camera, I'll post a pic.
Leslie said:
To any of yous with access to [disclaimer]homemade[/disclaimer] pumpkin pie over the weekend, have a piece for me.
Just for you, Les. Note that this is the second time I've actually turned the camera on, so excuse the lack of quality. I'm learning. Ahh, macro mode...