
heard of them, never heard them. though i really have nothing against them, i've always figured them for the kind of music that might be alright if it weren't for all the fanatics over-hyping it and trying to shove it down your throat. :neut:
i have one of their CD's on my HD. i havent gotten around to listening to the entire thing yet.
FluerVanderloo said:
Brit band. Anyone like them or even heard of them?

Psst....they are scottish...

Not a bad band......a lil' conservative for my tastes but the singer has a good voice. :)
Oi! *damns friend for calling them British*

Anywho, Travis is a rock band I guess you could say, but a softer kind of rock. Somewhat like...Collective Soul methinks.

And yes, his voice is very nice. I just bought their newest CD, came out 2 weeks ago, got it last week. Their sound is so much different from The Man Who and The Invisible Band. But still very very good, it's a nice change. It's called 12 Memories.
freako104 said:
psst Scotland is part of Britian.

Technically........but I wouldn't wander down a street in Edinburgh shouting about it ;)

Brit pop/rock/music is a saying that is usually associated with the plethora of bands that emerged out of manchester in the late 80'/early 90's