Trent Lott is in some deep stuff

You'd think he'd have the foresight to see something like that coming, if he had read up on his history. I'm surprised Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton haven't weighed in on this yet.
I heard the statements he made & while silly, isn't it possible to keep in context? He was talking about a moron, err, man who isn't having his 50th, or 75th or even his 90th birthday. It was his 100th birthday celebration. Telling a 100 year old man that he may have made a difference is like telling a 8 year old that the world is his for the taking. Possibly true but realistically not even remotely possible. For that matter, didn't Thurmond apologize in (about) 1970 for his stances taken earlier in life?

This is not to be construed as acceptance of Trent Lott who has yet to prove his leadership skills nor Strom Thurmond who should have retired 30 years ago & lived quietly as a Klansman in his home state.
im suprised Trent Lott would sya that. i dont agree with him most of the time but still to say what he did to me makes him a biggot. and as far as Strong Thurmond being great well i think thats really dependent on whether you agree with his stances or not.
s4 said:
I think people like Jesse Jackson have nothing better to do than play the race card. I remember when Jackson made a big deal about some high school kids getting expelled for fighting at a football game. He really went out of his way to say it was because they were black. If they had been white, he would not have cared.

You really don't like blacks do you s4?
Why should he apologize? Isn't the 1st Amendment in affect? Let Mississippi voters decide. Personally, I'd like to see him resign or get booted from the Senate Majority position, just not over this.
Lott apologizing is useless. At best it makes him look more foolish than needs be & at worst, it makes him look like a coward. He's right in some aspects, we would be different place today. Good or bad, we'll never know. I heard him on Sean Hannity's radio show tonight apologizing profusely. Nice quick PR firm he has.

Sen. Trent Lott said:
(last Thursday, referring to his home state of Mississippi's support for segregationist Thurmond in the 1948 presidential election)''When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years."

Washington Post said:
Thurmond ran as the Dixiecrat candidate for president in 1948 on a platform calling for the continuation of segregation in the South.

Isn't that what we have anyway?
flavio said:
s4 said:
I think people like Jesse Jackson have nothing better to do than play the race card. I remember when Jackson made a big deal about some high school kids getting expelled for fighting at a football game. He really went out of his way to say it was because they were black. If they had been white, he would not have cared.

You really don't like blacks do you s4?
I happen to agree with s4. Jesse Jackson is a liberal twat. He has a major problem with people that are white.
flavio said:
I really don't give a crap what Jesse has to say. He's a silly man and he's not in office.

Yep...he's also a virulent, teeming, opressive, vile repugnant man with no regard for anyone, save himself. He's a proven liar & backstabbing extortionist who speaks for the blacks of America as David Duke speaks for the caucasians populce. He's politically dangerous to those with actual ideals.
although its not often i do agree with s4 and jerrrek as Jesse has only played the race card when there are other cards that are somewhat stronger like trying to say all people are equal. but that will never happen. that might be why he lost the election when he ran.
freako104 said:
although its not often i do agree with s4 and jerrrek as Jesse has only played the race card when there are other cards that are somewhat stronger like trying to say all people are equal. but that will never happen. that might be why he lost the election when he ran.

I thought Jesse lost because he sounds like an idiot....but that didn't stop Bush.

As for Lott even Bush seems to be against the guy on this one .
maybe were both right on jesse flavio. it didnt stop bush cause of all the controversy and such. im not suprised bush is against him too. seems like everyone is. i hope like gonz said that he resigns.
The entire Repiblican party is denouncing his words to appease the fools that are politicizing this. Even Daschle said it's no big deal, until the Black Caucus raised a fuss. If you look closer though, nobody is calling for him to resign.