Trent Lott is in some deep stuff

s4 said:
I've had some time to think about what Mr. Lott said and how much I care about it. Truthfully, I don't give a fuck what he said. Doesn't mean nothing to me.

Why not?
It depends on how you interperet what he meant. What if he flat out said "I hate Jews" would it be ok if he just apologized later?
gonz made an attack on his leadership s4. and unfortunatly thats how politics work. attack the opinions and statements. ignore the good things that the leader has done. thats the way it is. or at least seems to be. not that i want to let him off the hook what he said at least to me is unforgivable. it was uncalled for. he may not have been paying attention but thats still unexcusable.
s4 said:
Where in the hell did you get the idea that I don't like blacks just because I think Jesse Jackson is one predjudiced SOB? He spends 24 hours a day, 7 days a week telling people he is black and saying how unfair white people are. I really don't like Jesse Jackson.

s4 said:
I'm really not sure how well I like Trent Lott. I don't know the guy and don't know a thing about him, so I can't say one way or the other.

i can only assume from these two statements that you base your judgement of jesse jackson on your own experiences through your personal contact with him. because if you were not personally aquainted with jesse you would not be able to pass judgment on him, much as you are unable to pass judgment on trent lott.

s4 said:
I've had some time to think about what Mr. Lott said and how much I care about it. Truthfully, I don't give a fuck what he said. Doesn't mean nothing to me.

s4 said:
What would it matter to me? I don't even know the guy. I hear people saying all kinds of bad things about him saying these comments, but what I don't hear is people attacking his deeds as a leader. I have not heard anyone say he is a bad leader from what he's doing. They may disagree with him, but I don't see any proof that he has been voting in Congress like a racist. People should let it go. He apologized and that should be good enough.

also, i must inquire as to why you do not care about what mr lott says merely because you do not know him on a personaly basis, and whether or not jesse jackson bothered you before he became someone whom you know intimately.
Politics: take something small, and blow it the hell out of proportion, so that the important topics continue to be buried and never have to be addressed.

Happens all the time, like it or not.
i think that congress addresses important issues when they are "at work." its when they are in front of the media that they talk about a lot of horsecrap. too much of the public just isnt interested in important issues.
in regards to what mr lott said, it is important. everything our elected leaders say in public is important since they represent us.
nnewton said:
i think that congress addresses important issues when they are "at work." its when they are in front of the media that they talk about a lot of horsecrap. too much of the public just isnt interested in important issues.
in regards to what mr lott said, it is important. everything our elected leaders say in public is important since they represent us.

The only important issues congress works on is how to line their own pockets. They get 'contributions' from Exxon, and they oppose a bill that outlaws drilling on federal lands. They get 'donations' from defense contractors, and the DoD is forced into buying equipment from a company in that senator/congressman's home state or district. Don't fool yourself into believing that our government is friendly. It isn't. It exists only to serve itself now, thanks to the internal strife we the people have created for ourselves.
if congress is only interested in how to make themselves rich how does anything get done around here? and dont say it doesnt, because it really seems like things happen every now and then. i never said congress as a whole was "friendly," (or uninterested in lining their pockets) but there must be some earnest lawmakers around somewhere. its rare one comes across an entire group of people who are "bad."

what do you mean by "the internal strife we the people have created for ourselves."?
I can see how someone that's not racist could make that statement to Strom Thurmond. If he had simply apologized and stood his ground it would have been one thing but he didn't. Instead he apologized and made some more stupid comments then apologized for those comments and added some more stupid comments on top of those and now all of a sudden he's for affirmative action! What the hell is going on here? If he'd stood his ground i might have believed him but i think he knows he made an improper comment and now he's learning that you can't save your face and your ass at the same time. As far as Jesse Jackson and Al sharpton go, they're not even worth discussing.
He announced that he is resigned his post as Senate Majority Leader on Friday.

Looks ike TN Sen BIll Frist is the probable new leader.

All this over a silly remark.