Tri-part post-whore uber-congrats thread-thing

or this pic?

JJR512 said:
Assuming you meant mx-6*, I always felt, well...We didn't aways agree, but when we disagreed, it was usually without hard feelings. When we did agree it was usually for different reasons, I think. My overall feeling was that he kept things interesting. He's one of the people on the list of those I'd like to see back.

I hope Hani can make it back around sometime, it'd be great to see him again.

*does a taunting dance*

I talk to Hani! I talk to Hani!

It's been a few months now but when school restarts he'll prolly resurface on MSN :D
I see Hani on MSN :D

He is in Away right now but this means it is only a matter of time...prolly a short time...til I talk with him again :D