unclehobart said:What were the last words of Darth Vader?
"You were right luke, tell your sister, you were right..."
Not, as my friend put it, "Luke *gasp* ........you're kneeling on the fucking oxygen pipe"
unclehobart said:What were the last words of Darth Vader?
*correct*Oz said:"You were right luke, tell your sister, you were right..."
Not, as my friend put it, "Luke *gasp* ........you're kneeling on the fucking oxygen pipe"
I think it was 5 shown.: ?? what question is this for?
ah.. ok... that would be a negative.freako104 said:for the # probe driods launched in the beginning of Empire
nopc_builder said:number of probe droids launched..
Dianogaunclehobart said:The creature in the garbage compactor is called the...?
3263827unclehobart said:Number of the magnetically sealed door in the garbage masher.
T-65 (Available in B and C-A2 models)unclehobart said:The manufacturer's designation for the X-wing.
Red Ten, Seven, Three, Six, Nine, Two, Eleven, Fiveunclehobart said:Order in which Red Squadron checks in before Death Star attack.
Two minutes, fifty secondsunclehobart said:Actual time interval in "The Death Star will be in range in one minute." (Total)
The sixthunclehobart said:Which planet of the Hoth system was the Rebel base on?
5unclehobart said:How many shots does Han take at Darth Vader?
Wing Guardunclehobart said:Unit designation for the Cloud City guards.
ST321unclehobart said:Number of Darth Vader's shuttle. (Return of the Jedi)
Han Suulunclehobart said:Han Solo's original name.
BlasTech DL-44unclehobart said:Type of blaster pistol used by Han Solo.(specific model number)
Wookiee scalpsunclehobart said:What fashion accessories does Boba Fett hang from his belt?