Trooper Says Election Delayed Alaska Drug Case


New Member
WASILLA, Alaska -- The mother of Bristol Palin's boyfriend sent text messages discussing drug transactions less than a month after the young woman's mother, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, was nominated as the Republican vice presidential candidate, according to court documents filed this week.

An affidavit from an Alaska state trooper, filed Monday, states that Sherry L. Johnston referred in her messages to two police informants to "coffee" as a code for the drug OxyContin.

Johnston, 42, was arrested on felony drug charges last week after state troopers served a search warrant at her Wasilla home. She allegedly sold OxyContin tablets to the informants on three occasions this fall, the affidavit states. Police said two of the meetings were recorded by a hidden camera and a microphone.

Johnston is the mother of Levi Johnston, 18. Sarah Palin announced in September that her daughter Bristol, also 18, was pregnant and that Johnston was the father. Their child was due to be born Dec. 18, her grandfather Chuck Heath told the Anchorage Daily News recently.

Authorities say the case against Sherry Johnston began in the second week of September, when drug investigators intercepted a package containing 179 OxyContin pills. That led to the arrest of the suspects, who agreed to be informants.

According to the affidavit, Johnston sent a text message to one informant Oct. 1, writing: "Hey, my phones are tapped and reporters and god knows who else is always following me and the family so no privacy. I will let u no when I can go for cof."

The trooper's affidavit indicates that Sarah Palin's candidacy factored into the investigation, with state officials delaying execution of a search warrant until this month, when Johnston was "no longer under the protection or surveillance of the Secret Service."
is there a point? or is this your idea of retribution for the obama/blogowhateveritis comparisons? do you relish harboring ill will toward teenagers in crisis? or is just certain teenagers?

and you wonder why some people consider you petty

the actions of the mother have no bearing on the behavior of the son, and certainly none on the son's girlfriend's mother.

get it?

It seems that the girls boyfiends mom is trash. tragic. Now what?
IMO, Sarah Palin is trash as well. This in no way involves her personally in the drug story.
Perhaps we could make some sweeping generalization about Alaska from this that Gonz and Peel would find attractive.
I am so confused now. I thought drug users were deemed victims of an oppressive society and they are heros to all good little liberals. :shrug:

For instance B. H. O's admission to using coke and pot for recreational purposes. Nary a peep from the left.

But when he is caught playing footsie with Blago the media rears up on its' hind legs to defend their Messiah with a story to deflect attention to their favorite obsession: Sarah Palin.
Perhaps we could make some sweeping generalization about Alaska from this that Gonz and Peel would find attractive.

Show me where Gov Palin profits, in any way, from this woman. (A well placed (D) seat is helpful to a (D) President)

Show me where Gov Palin searched out & spent 5, 10, 20 years listening to this woman & her rantings (weekly, not at family gatherings)

Show me where Gov Palin worked with this woman, served on committees, launching her poitical career in her living room, after knowing her penchant for drugs.
I am so confused now. I thought drug users were deemed victims of an oppressive society and they are heros to all good little liberals. :shrug:

What a weird thing for you to think. Bizarre.

For instance B. H. O's admission to using coke and pot for recreational purposes. Nary a peep from the left.

Kinda like W's admission of using coke for recreational purposes and being an alcoholic with nary a peep from the right.

I suppose by your logic that would mean that drug users were deemed victims of an oppressive society and they are heros to all good little cons. :shrug:

But when he is caught playing footsie with Blago the media rears up on its' hind legs to defend their Messiah with a story to deflect attention to their favorite obsession: Sarah Palin.

Neither Obama or Palin need any defending on either matter. But you go ahead with the Big Bad Media conspiracy. *tinfoilhat*
Show me where Gov Palin profits, in any way, from this woman. (A well placed (D) seat is helpful to a (D) President)

Show me where Gov Palin searched out & spent 5, 10, 20 years listening to this woman & her rantings (weekly, not at family gatherings)

Show me where Gov Palin worked with this woman, served on committees, launching her poitical career in her living room, after knowing her penchant for drugs.

Who said anything about this reflecting on Palin? Kinda a weird direction you went with that. :retard:
is there a point?

answer attempt one:

Do you always make a lot of crazy weird-ass assumptions with no basis in reality?

answer attempt two:

Perhaps we could make some sweeping generalization about Alaska from this that Gonz and Peel would find attractive.

answer attempt three:

What a weird thing for you to think. Bizarre.

Kinda like W's admission of using coke for recreational purposes and being an alcoholic with nary a peep from the right.

I suppose by your logic that would mean that drug users were deemed victims of an oppressive society and they are heros to all good little cons.

Neither Obama or Palin need any defending on either matter. But you go ahead with the Big Bad Media conspiracy. *tinfoilhat*

answer attempt four:

Who said anything about this reflecting on Palin? Kinda a weird direction you went with that.


no there is no point
Hey H20, the point of the article is contained in the article and in the subject line of the post (also happens to be the subject line of the article itself).

I'm not sure how you missed that or went off with a bunch of crazy assumptions and attempted insults but you really have nobody to blame but yourself for the embarrassment.

Now do you have anything else you'd like "answered"?

can you kindly point out to the stupid among us how this case is any different than the hundreds of other official matters that are delayed with every election in which a witness, plaintiff, defendant, judge, attorney, or other key figure in said proceeding is also a political candidate?

and when you cant, please explain to the class why you felt it vital to sling mud almost two months after your boy won?

for extra credit, please submit a 100 word or preferably much less summary of why the rules are different when you say so

i will expect your answer on my desk before the class adjourns for recess. and remember, penmanship counts
Hey Gonz, if you look a little closer you'll notice the word "Palin" appears nowhere in that sentence. Check it out.

can you kindly point out to the stupid among us how this case is any different than the hundreds of other official matters that are delayed with every election in which a witness, plaintiff, defendant, judge, attorney, or other key figure in said proceeding is also a political candidate?

Could you please point out where I said this case was different than some other cases?

and when you cant, please explain to the class why you felt it vital to sling mud almost two months after your boy won?

And when you can't could you point out exactly where this fictitional mud slinging occured?

for extra credit, please submit a 100 word or preferably much less summary of why the rules are different when you say so

Which rules exactly did I declare different?

This is getting beyond weird H20. It's like you see an entire make believe conversation going on that you are responding to as if it's actually there.

Might want to get that checked out.
Could you please point out where I said this case was different than some other cases?

then why post an everyday occurance?

sometimes you seem to have diarrhea of the fingers. might want to get that looked into

And when you can't could you point out exactly where this fictitional mud slinging occured?

see post one

Which rules exactly did I declare different?

Join Date: 7/07/06

This is getting beyond weird H20. It's like you see an entire make believe conversation going on that you are responding to as if it's actually there.

Might want to get that checked out.

i'll tell you whats weird. you seem to be possessed of some rare cognitive inability to answer questions, only ask them. might want to have that doc look into that for you too. while it is indeed un common, i hear that modern medicine is making tremendous strides toward major breakthroughs in the treatment of such maladies.

now dont get me wrong. im not blaming you. in fact, its quite understandable how someone such as...yourself...could fall victim to such a tragic happenstance. its widely held that cases such as this are more environmentally generated rather than genetically inherited. in short, you are merely a product of poor outside influences, which have in turn clouded your ability to see clearly. sad, actually. youre not an unintelligent person, just...misguided. whole lot of you guys around these days. nothing that wont correct itself in a couple of years from now, in most cases. i certainly hope yours isnt terminal. if it is, you turn into hillary clinton, and believe me, nobody wants another one of them running loose.

so hang in there little buddy. help is on the way. in the meantime, remember that admitting you have a problem is step one toward correcting it.

im here for you when you need me :hug:
then why post an everyday occurance?

Drug dealers getting a reprieve because of elections is not an everyday occurence. In fact elctions aren't held everyday. :retard:

sometimes you seem to have diarrhea of the fingers. might want to get that looked into

My post was pretty minimal. You're crazy assed assumptions and lame attempts at insults would be much more indicative of diarrhea of the fingers. Seems you're projecting.

see post one #1 has zero mudslinging and nothing written by me. It's a pretty factual article with no mud in sight. Mudslinging started in post #2, but that was you. Mondblowing huh?

You're going to have to be a little more specific on where you see this fantasy mudslinging or people are going to think you're hallucinating.

Join Date: 7/07/06

In response to the question "Which rules exactly did I declare different?" you've posted a join date. Now it may seem obvious to everyone else but I think I'm going to have to actually point out to you that a Join Date is not a rule. You wanna give that one another go maybe?

Seriously, what's up with you? Can I get some of whatever you're taking? Like Woah. :rainfrow:

i'll tell you whats weird. you seem to be possessed of some rare cognitive inability to answer questions, only ask them. might want to have that doc look into that for you too. while it is indeed un common, i hear that modern medicine is making tremendous strides toward major breakthroughs in the treatment of such maladies.

Heh, oddly enough I just went back through the thread and found not one question asked of me that I didn't answer other than ones that were based on your alternate reality where you think I actually said things that never happened.

Now I invite you to point out any reality based questions that you still think you would like answered that I missed. I realize this may be difficult for you since you're all trippin' out and such and I wouldn't want to buzzkill your little freakout. In fact on that note don't even worry about whether they're reality based or not I imagine it's going to be pretty tough to discern the difference right now for you. Just go ahead and line up all questions from this thread that you think you didn't get an answer to and I'll knock 'em down for you. That make you feel better trippy dude?

See what you can do there little guy. If you can't handle it then go ahead and just bust open another glowstick for me. :circle:
Kinda like W's admission of using coke for recreational purposes and being an alcoholic with nary a peep from the right.

GWB never stated that. You made that up in you extremely fertile imagination.

If he said that why, then, was the media so busy falling all over itself trying to prove that he did with the Rathergate story; why would Rather have to make up that story in the first place; and why was an entire book alleging cocaine use, "Fortunate Son", shown to be such a lie that it was pulled from publication?

Oh, yeah, I forgot. It was the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.