Trooper Says Election Delayed Alaska Drug Case

Implication is a nifty little word. Look it up.

I just looked it up and it makes you look pretty silly. You substituted the word "Alaska" for "Palin" even though they don't even resemble each other.

Kinda makes you look incredibly foolish. There 's no implication and nothing left for you to grasp at to save face at this point.
Oh no really? You really want to act as if George Bush has never done coke?

You do that. It would be funny.

So I guess saying "he never said he did coke" is the same as saying "he never did coke." Interesting.
Drug dealers getting a reprieve because of elections is not an everyday occurence. In fact elctions aren't held everyday. :retard:

that all you got? nitpicking over semantics?


My post was pretty minimal. You're crazy assed assumptions and lame attempts at insults would be much more indicative of diarrhea of the fingers. Seems you're projecting.

'i know you are but what am i' stopped working about 3rd grade. do keep up #1 has zero mudslinging and nothing written by me. It's a pretty factual article with no mud in sight. Mudslinging started in post #2, but that was you. Mondblowing huh?

You're going to have to be a little more specific on where you see this fantasy mudslinging or people are going to think you're hallucinating.

mondblowing indeed. so mondblowing i must assume you wiuldnt know med if yiu suw ot

oh wow, the colors...dude...

see gonzs reply re: implications. they work both ways sunshine

In response to the question "Which rules exactly did I declare different?" you've posted a join date. Now it may seem obvious to everyone else but I think I'm going to have to actually point out to you that a Join Date is not a rule. You wanna give that one another go maybe?

Seriously, what's up with you? Can I get some of whatever you're taking? Like Woah. :rainfrow:

we both know the point was made

Heh, oddly enough I just went back through the thread and found not one question asked of me that I didn't answer other than ones that were based on your alternate reality where you think I actually said things that never happened.

tomato, tomahto. answering a question with a question is hardly effective.

but you knew that already. you got to fight with the knife you brought with you

Now I invite you to point out any reality based questions that you still think you would like answered that I missed. I realize this may be difficult for you since you're all trippin' out and such and I wouldn't want to buzzkill your little freakout. In fact on that note don't even worry about whether they're reality based or not I imagine it's going to be pretty tough to discern the difference right now for you. Just go ahead and line up all questions from this thread that you think you didn't get an answer to and I'll knock 'em down for you. That make you feel better trippy dude?

See what you can do there little guy. If you can't handle it then go ahead and just bust open another glowstick for me.

im feelin fine. always have. as i said earlier, theres hope youll get your thoughts together after a couple of years. when you do, remember. it was self inflicted
that all you got? nitpicking over semantics?

No, clearly drug dealer investigations being halted by presidential elections is not a common occurrence. You were clearly wrong.

'i know you are but what am i' stopped working about 3rd grade.

We use reason now. A minimal post with an article and a link followed by a bunch of crazy weird assumptions and a lame attempt at an insult. Obviously the latter is clearly better described as "diarrhea of the fingers". You were projecting.

mondblowing indeed. so mondblowing i must assume you wiuldnt know med if yiu suw ot

Not sure what that garbled bit was I assume it made perfect sense in your current condition though.

The important part here is that you were unable to find any mudslinging where you thought it was and the mudslinging actually started in your own post. You were wrong again and projecting.

we both know the point was made

You may mistakenly think you made a point but when asked "Which rules exactly did I declare different?" you were completely incapable of backing up your statement with ANY rules that I declared different and instead in a bizarre move posted a join date. Yet another failure.

tomato, tomahto. answering a question with a question is hardly effective.

Once again I gave you the opportunity to list any questions you felt were unanswered and you have completely failed to come up with anything.

im feelin fine. always have.

Oh, I imagine whatever it is that cause you alternate reality feels really good. It's just not helping you make much sense and has probably contributed to this utter failure to backup a single thing you have said. When you have such a severe breakdown in reasoning it left you with nothing but pathetic attempts at insults.

Well, enjoy the trip anyway. :rainfrow:
No, clearly drug dealer investigations being halted by presidential elections is not a common occurrence. You were clearly wrong.

CLEARLY: There were no delays for political reasons in Johnston drug case.

The union representing state troopers has backed off allegations that a drug investigation of Sherry Johnston was slowed down last fall to shield the national candidacy of Gov. Sarah Palin......"However, the accusations that political motives were behind the decision on how to manage this case are baseless."

It was all about the PDS. ;)
The union representing state troopers has backed off allegations that a drug investigation of Sherry Johnston was slowed down last fall to shield the national candidacy of Gov. Sarah Palin

You realize the original article didn't claim the case was slowed down to shield her candidacy right? ;)
I realize that the original article had the headline that read "Trooper Says Election Delayed Alaska Drug Case."

The trooper's affidavit indicates that Sarah Palin's candidacy factored into the investigation, with state officials delaying execution of a search warrant until this month, when Johnston was "no longer under the protection or surveillance of the Secret Service."

And the updated article straightened out that implication with the headline "INQUIRY: There were no delays for political reasons in Johnston drug case."

An inquiry Monday by officials for the Public Safety Employees Association concluded that investigators did not delay a search warrant for political reasons, ".... the accusations that political motives were behind the decision on how to manage this case are baseless."

Can it get more clear than that? :shrug:
Yes, it's pretty clear. One says there was no delay for political motives while the other says there were delays because of Secret Service protection.

Your own link even says "Secret Service protection had indeed affected Levi's mother's behavior".

So your link actually backs up the original story. It's all pretty clear.
Not sure why you are trying to parse words in the articles and avoid the fact that that the original link implied that proceedings against the defendant were delayed due to national political events and Johnston's affiliation to the Palin family. :shrug:

Whereas the updated story states that that was not a possibility:

Cox said Anthony told him Monday the search warrant against Johnston would not have been ready to serve before the election, regardless of the political climate.
Not sure why you are trying to parse words in the articles and avoid the fact that that the original link implied that proceedings against the defendant were delayed due to national political events and Johnston's affiliation to the Palin family. :shrug:

I'm not avoiding that fact. That fact is true and your link backs that up.

"Secret Service protection had indeed affected Levi's mother's behavior".

You tried to contradict me with the sentence "accusations that political motives were behind were behind the decision on how to manage this case" which is clearly not what the original article stated.
You tried to contradict me with the sentence "accusations that political motives were behind were behind the decision on how to manage this case" which is clearly not what the original article stated.

Of course that's what that article stated. What does the OP headline: "Trooper Says Election Delayed Alaska Drug Case" and the and the sentence:

The trooper's affidavit indicates that Sarah Palin's candidacy factored into the investigation, with state officials delaying execution of a search warrant until this month, when Johnston was "no longer under the protection or surveillance of the Secret Service."

trying to imply if it doesn't mean to suggest a decision was made to delay service of a search warrant upon Ms. Johnston until after the election was over? That would fall under the category of deciding how to manage the case.

The whole lie would clearly fall under the category of "Palin Derangement Syndrome."
Of course that's what that article stated. What does the OP headline: "Trooper Says Election Delayed Alaska Drug Case" and the and the sentence:

The election did delay the case because of the secret service being involved. Which was confirmed by your own article.

trying to imply if it doesn't mean to suggest a decision was made to delay service of a search warrant upon Ms. Johnston until after the election was over? That would fall under the category of deciding how to manage the case.

They had to delay the search warrant because her actions were affected by the secret service. Again, confirmed by your article.
The election did delay the case because of the secret service being involved. Which was confirmed by your own article.

Then what did you mean when you said

You tried to contradict me with the sentence "accusations that political motives were behind were behind the decision on how to manage this case" which is clearly not what the original article stated.

First you say the article did not state it, now you say it did?