Trouble in paradise


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Zoo penguin couple breaks up
By: Katie Worth
Examiner Staff Writer
July 10, 2009

SAN FRANCISCO — Someone alert Perez Hilton: Harry and Pepper, the San Francisco Zoo’s long-term same-sex penguin couple, have split up. And you
might say there’s a disreputable dame to blame.

The couple’s relationship began in 2003 and the breakup came as a shock to the couple’s zookeepers because Harry and Pepper, both Magellanic penguins, had long seemed one of the zoo’s happiest avian partnerships, according to zookeeper Anthony Brown.

The two black-and-white birds paired off when Harry, whom Brown described as outgoing, befriended Pepper, an introvert who sticks mostly to his burrow. At the time, the two were adolescents and everyone assumed they were just friends.

But soon they were nesting together. Harry would gather grass and bring it home to Pepper, who would arrange it tidily in their burrow, Brown said. Single females would come around, but both birds never seemed interested.

Last year, the pair was allowed to incubate and hatch an egg another penguin had laid.

“Of all of the parents that year, they were the best,” Brown said. “They took very good care of their chick. He ended up being the largest chick on the island.”

One could say that all seemed to be going swimmingly with Harry and Pepper.

Enter the recently widowed Linda, who has long had a reputation of sorts, according to Brown.

Several years ago, she left her longtime companion and moved in with much older Fig just hours after Fig’s partner passed away, Brown said.

“That was the fastest we’d ever seen penguins move on,” he said. “To be completely anthropomorphizing, Linda seems conniving. She’s got her plan. I don’t think she was wanting to be a single girl for too long.”

This year, within weeks of Fig passing away in winter, Harry was seen in Fig’s old burrow spending time with Linda, Brown said.

Then one day, Harry and Linda approached Pepper’s pen and confronted Pepper. Harry began attacking Pepper violently and the three ultimately had to be separated, Brown said.

Harry and Linda successfully nested this year and eventually Pepper was returned to the penguin exhibit from a bachelor pad at the Avian Conservation Center, where he quietly took up his old residence. Zookeepers and fans are waiting with bated breath to see what might happen next.

“That’s the big question,” Brown said. “It’s molting season in late July and early August, and around that time we see couples getting shaken up. It’ll be interesting to see if Harry spends any of that time with Pepper. We’ll have to wait and see.”

[email protected]
See!!! It's those damn wimmen's fault. Take a nice peaceful gay couple and turn them into violent hetrosexuals
The same thing I have against gay men and wimmen ... nothing. Until they start trying to change things like dictionaries, laws, morals ... that sort of thing. Haven't heard of too many sheep or penguins parading down Ste-Catherine's street recently, tho.
That's dumb. By that logic we could make laws that fat people can't marry each other and call it equal rights.
Well, I suppose you could, provided you came up with a good definition of 'fat' for legal purposes. The legal, medical, and biological definitions of Man and Wimmen are pretty clear. At least they used to be. Take a guess what crowd is working hard to change that too.
There are definitions for obese. So with your logic we could outlaw them marrying each other and call it equal rights.

Your logic is extremely flawed.
So is your grammar. What's your point?

You blindly keep claiming people want equal rights. That's nothing more than a slogan to draw in the gullible. Gays no more want 'equal' right than wimmen wanted it. They wanted everything men had, and to keep all the perks of having tits. They don't want "equal" ... they want "more". They want "their way". And personally, I'm fine with that, provided their way doesn't involve changing "my way".
So is your grammar. What's your point?

I fixed my grammar. Now maybe you can fix your logic?

You blindly keep claiming people want equal rights. That's nothing more than a slogan to draw in the gullible. Gays no more want 'equal' right than wimmen wanted it. They wanted everything men had, and to keep all the perks of having tits. They don't want "equal" ... they want "more". They want "their way".

No, you're the one being blind here. They want equal rights, you want "more".

But hey, maybe we could cut out the rhetoric? They should have the same right to marry another consenting adult as anyone else does.

And personally, I'm fine with that, provided their way doesn't involve changing "my way".

Good, because allowing them to marry other consenting adults doesn't affect "your way".
"Perks" of having tits... nice one. :D


Yep, pretty hard to understand when people make a stand against civil rights over dictionaries. :laugh:

"It says in this dictionary only white men can vote, are we supposed to publish new ones?" :rofl3:
Notice how the female penguin "seems conniving". Maybe it was Pete who tricked Harry...happens on Jerry Springer all the time...:laugh:
One last post, in the desperate hope that you might be capable of comprehension, if not understanding. The word marry (which I've defined for everyone before) has nothing to do with people in it's root form. Ignore the paragraphs of different interpretations today's dictionary piles on. To marry is to inseparably join two dissimilar items. You cannot marry flour with flour. You cannot marry iron with iron. If you marry flour, water and eggs, you get a cake. If you marry iron with carbon, you get steel.

And if you haven't heard me before .... I don't think most hetero couples are entitled to use the word marry either. Indeed, that caused a lot of pain with several someones I care for deeply right here. And frankly, if they told me they were getting married tomorrow, I'd still do everything in my power to get them as close as I could to that ideal, but it would still be wrong. I'd happily live with doing what I see as wrong to make my friends happier. Hypocritical? Sure, so what? But one thing I wouldn't do would be to expect others to bend their rules and strictures.