True Love(the game)


Well-Known Member
Anyone played True love? This is a terribly fun if not antiquated game. As soon as i saw Yumi the teacher i knew i wanted her bod.
Anime games kickass! I'm going to play this all night and see if i can get laid.
True Love r0x0rz :D

I played it a long time ago, got all 10 chicks laid between two savegames

I'm getting a game called Transfer Student from the same guy that pointed me to True Love some time soon, sounds like fun...
Dude all ten??? You must have excessive amounts of time on your hands. I don't think i've ever worked that hard to get a real women.
It isn't that hard once you get to know them. Just experiment around, the second or third time you play the game you'll probably get twice as many chicks as you did the first time, and before you know it, you'll know exactly where to go, when to do it, and how to respond to everyone.

(That, and I had a desperate need to fap. :D)
either that or you found the link for the walkthough :bitchslap:

dennis only got around 2 or 3 when he did it. I got all but 4 I think (smart girl, artsy girl, gymnist girl, and the cat girl)
I already cheated so i know i'm gonna get some! No way i'm gonna do all that work only to be rejected by a silicon babe with an iq of 1Ghz.
sounds like a great game id like it if i cna find it ill give it a shot is there a site i can see to check it out?
You can probably download it from any file sharing program. The whole game is only about 10 mb on my machine without cd. Don't let its small size fool you. I probably broke a record for consecutive hours sitting on my ass yesterday try'in to get me some.
No dirty pics.
(don't wanna spoil it)


screenhunter_002.jpg, 96.75kb


search for "transfer student" and you SHOULD KNOW how to do the rest.

red = bot is offline.

it's another true love type game (as far as i know, haven't played it yet).

it, however, is 550 megs :(
HeXp£Øi± said:
Oh Shit!
I do have a Lolita complex. Now more then ever. lol
This is a very bad bad game.

Hey. If they're old enough to sit at the table, they're old enough to eat... :D

(please don't mistake this humor for a conviction)
Hey I have played the game before and loved it since i cleaned up alot on my hard disk... i tried to reinstall and cant get the game to load keep getting an error that xp claims caused by LAME software but that hasnt been updated since 2004 (via the website).
EDIT: In fact now all H-games wont play... does anyone know how i can get rid of this LAME Project i must have somehow come across?

Thanks in advance