Trump? Really?

And yet not in most ways.

I don't see any point in compare 2 negatives.
I don't think McCain would have done quite as much damage, but yeah,
some damage none the less.

Herman Cain could show both of them a few things, in the way of Principles.
Oh you mean when Bush was handed a thriving economy then ran up the debt and pushed out disastrous unpaid for tax cuts and stuck us in that war with the country that wasn't a threat crashed the economy and then handed it off to the next president while Cheny said "deficits don't matter".

You mean he fooled you into blaming that on Obama?
Yes.....all they wanted to see some hope and change....oh, and to watch the world burn by doing it!
Oh you mean when Bush was handed a thriving economy then ran up the debt and pushed out disastrous unpaid for tax cuts and stuck us in that war with the country that wasn't a threat crashed the economy and then handed it off to the next president while Cheny said "deficits don't matter".

You mean he fooled you into blaming that on Obama?

Bush ran it up, yeah, but Obama doubled down in just 2 years.
anyone but Osambo

kudos to Obambo for showing U.S. what the left is truly made of!
Newt died 15 years ago. He's a grand "elder statesman". He ough tto stay there.

Palin/Daniels 2012