Trying is the first step towards faliure!!!!


Well-Known Member what is your patience threshold? When do you give up and how does it feel to have failed at a task you've sweat over for days or even months?

How quickly do you give up on

people other than family?
Tasks? (people can not be considered as tasks unless you're a social worker)

Do you dwell over the failure or pick up and move on?
If at first you don't succeed..........buggrit, the pub is open, someone there might know an easier way to do it.
I tend to start things and never finish them. Doesnt matter how hard or easy the task. I just have some issue with actually finishing things. cant tell you how many books i have laying around that ive never finished. I think it has something to do with the fact that Im a bizarre combination of perfectionist and procrastinator. I like things to be done to a high level of satisfaction but i have no desire to actually do it.
ill give up if whatever i am doing isnt going anywhere. ill give up on fam and friends if they dont even try.
Thulsa Doom said:
I tend to start things and never finish them. Doesnt matter how hard or easy the task. I just have some issue with actually finishing things. cant tell you how many books i have laying around that ive never finished. I think it has something to do with the fact that Im a bizarre combination of perfectionist and procrastinator. I like things to be done to a high level of satisfaction but i have no desire to actually do it.
wow, i'm alot like that, but i tend to think of it as whimsy. i get on a kick and i do this for a little bit, then i get bored and move on to something else for a while. i have like 5 books i am in the middle of and i'll prolly still have those 5 books laying around collecting late fees when i start reading another. i have tons of little projects i am in the middle of. one blanket i am crocheting, a couple of cross stitch patterns i have started. things like that. i had to have a breadmaker once...and now it sits in the cupboard...i'll dust it off one day and use it like crazy for about a month....wishywashy, i believe they call it.
tonks said:
wow, i'm alot like that, but i tend to think of it as whimsy. i get on a kick and i do this for a little bit, then i get bored and move on to something else for a while. i have like 5 books i am in the middle of and i'll prolly still have those 5 books laying around collecting late fees when i start reading another. i have tons of little projects i am in the middle of. one blanket i am crocheting, a couple of cross stitch patterns i have started. things like that. i had to have a breadmaker once...and now it sits in the cupboard...i'll dust it off one day and use it like crazy for about a month....wishywashy, i believe they call it.

Yeah I like to call it my ADD/Renaissance Man syndrome. ;)
Buttcrackdivine said: what is your patience threshold? When do you give up and how does it feel to have failed at a task you've sweat over for days or even months?

How quickly do you give up on

people other than family?
Tasks? (people can not be considered as tasks unless you're a social worker)

Do you dwell over the failure or pick up and move on?
tasks - never, i will get that chocolate melting right if it's the last thing i do:laugh5:
family - i tend to ignore, fish are more fun:trout:
freinds - i'd give up real quick*poke*poke my eye and call me seymour
objects - huh?:retard2:
and i dwell:drink2:dwell dwell dwell dwell:hangman:
"I love the pain, i have to keep going. I love the pain, i have to keep going." (etc etc) Mentally... Yeah sure. I've been through a lot of crap, why not take some more? What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
Kawaii said:
"I love the pain, i have to keep going. I love the pain, i have to keep going." (etc etc) Mentally... Yeah sure. I've been through a lot of crap, why not take some more? What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

And what does kill ya, leaves yer kinda...........dead :alienhuh:
It'll take a world of doing to make me give up on family and friends - but if I do it's forever.

As for the rest, I try & try again, if I cannot get it right I ask for help. If I still can't get it right I bag it - what's the point of banging my head against the same wall over and over again? I'm not a donkey :rolleyes:
sometimes i really have a one track mind. if i want something bad enough I WILL GET IT. sometimes i scares me because i can be an ultimate schemer...luckily i do not enjoy using or hurting people, so i know where to draw the line...but i'm not afraid to ask for help or favors. i figure i'll do almost anything to help out a friend soooo...maybe they'll help me. works good. hell, i got my harddrive installed and a bunch more RAM just on my friendly smile alone. i'm sure i'll repay the favor one day. i do try.
Buttcrackdivine said: what is your patience threshold? When do you give up and how does it feel to have failed at a task you've sweat over for days or even months?

How quickly do you give up on

people other than family?
Tasks? (people can not be considered as tasks unless you're a social worker)

Do you dwell over the failure or pick up and move on?

I am told that I have the patience of Job. Never read Job, so I'll have to assume that this is a good thing. Some of my hobbies reflect this. I paint 1" tall miniatures that take weeks to finish properly, I take on rediculously long-term tasks (such as designing things for a 30 person committee) aargh! More things dissapear from my plate than get brushed off by yours truly. I'll tend to hack at it until someone else says...OK, it's not working...fuhgetaboutit.

People other than family - so long as they show some effort or emotion towards a task, or the relationship..I'm in too! I'm not going to do all the work to keep the friendship together.

Family- it's who I am. I'd cut off an arm with greater ease than cut off a family member.

Friends- They tend to suddenly vanish...move away etc. I try to keep in touch, but if after a year, I havn't gotten so much as an email...I pass the ball to them. If they want to keep in touch, they can try for once. Mind you...I've begun huting for friends that I havn't seen in over 10 years...just because of all the good times I had with them.

Objects- electronics don't get any of my patience. I'm a big fan of the 'swift kick' method of VCR repair. Software...if it helps me be imaginative (Flash/Photoshop/Illustrator) gets a lot of leeway. If not...(Start) (control panel) (Add/remove program) (Hasta la vista Baby!)
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
- Thomas A. Edison

"If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style."
- Quentin Crisp
Bish, Job was an idiot. God made him the butt of some universal joke, and laughed like a hyeena when Job didn't catch on. Sort of like sneaking up on someone and whispering "Dumbfuck says what?" When he turns around and asks "What?" and you fold up laughing. That ws Job.

Personally, I've never failed at anything, so I'm at a loss for how to answer honestly.