Don't look at Sheehan using her son's dead body to try to generate some credibility. Don't look at the libs using an honorable death to further their agenda.
She is using her son's coffin as a pulpit. She doesn't care that he wasn't "properly acknowledged." She is using his name and memory for her chance to say things like:
"This country is not worth dying for."
“We have been so betrayed by this president. He has lied to us. He has betrayed my family. He betrayed my son.
"I think the American people need to know that we have been betrayed in this rush to war.
"How do you think we felt when we heard the Senate reports that said there was no link between Iraq and 9/11?
"Our only goal is to have people understand the human cost of the war and how devastating it is to lose a child to a lie, and what an awesome person the world lost."
"Another thing that I'm doing is - - my son was killed in 2004, so I'm not paying my taxes for 2004. If I get a letter from the IRS, I'm gonna say, you know what, this war is illegal; this is why this war is illegal. This war is immoral; this is why this war is immoral. You killed my son for this. I don't owe you anything. And if I live to be a million, I won't owe you a penny.
And I want them to come after me, because unlike what you've been doing with the war resistance, I want to put this frickin' war on trial. And I want to say, "You give me my son, and I'll pay your taxes."
Sheehan's statements are contrary to what her son believed. He obviously thought this country is worth dying for: he volunteered TWICE.
"And the sergeant said, 'Sheehan, you don't have to go,' and Casey said, 'where my chief goes, I go.'"