Trying to ignore her

unclehobart said:
Its a figure of speech, Eric.

steal someone's thunder - to use the words or ideas of another person before they have a chance to, especially to gain the approval of a group or audience - from the story of playwright John Dennis who invented a way of creating the sound of thunder for the theatre for his play Appius and Virginia in 1709. The play flopped but his thunder effect was used without his permission in a production of Macbeth. Dennis was said to have remarked 'They will not let my play run, but they steal my thunder'.

In this context, I mean to imply, as a joke, that the republican war machine created the hurricane via magic in order to shove madame Sheehan from the headlines.

Had no idea where the term came from. Guess you do learn something new everyday.
unclehobart said:
Its a figure of speech, Eric.

steal someone's thunder - to use the words or ideas of another person before they have a chance to, especially to gain the approval of a group or audience - from the story of playwright John Dennis who invented a way of creating the sound of thunder for the theatre for his play Appius and Virginia in 1709. The play flopped but his thunder effect was used without his permission in a production of Macbeth. Dennis was said to have remarked 'They will not let my play run, but they steal my thunder'.

In this context, I mean to imply, as a joke, that the republican war machine created the hurricane via magic in order to shove madame Sheehan from the headlines.

I got it perfectly before hand. When I posted it, it was meant as a gag. As in she really has nothing.
That analogy is tiresome. Of course, not one media source is willing or able to follow the similarity projection through to the bitter end & help those who forgot or don't know to remember what happened when we cut & ran in 1975.

Over 6 million civilians slaughtered.
That's 6,000,000 people not wearing uniforms.
Once was too much.
Oh mighty mighty Mother Sheehan has once again spoken.

I don’t care if a human being is black, brown, white, yellow or pink. I don’t care if a human being is Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, or pagan. I don’t care what flag a person salutes: if a human being is hungry, then it is up to another human being to feed him/her. George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans and Iraq, and excuse his self from power. The only way America will become more secure is if we have a new administration that cares about Americans even if they don’t fall into the top two percent of the wealthiest.

Must have been depressing when the press left her high & dry & fell in love with Katrina.
Withdraw U.S. troops from the U.S. now! The more she speaks, the more she shows the nation how wacked the anti-war side is.

I would suggest that many on the Gulf Coast are grateful for the national guard's presence.

Cindythelunatic said:
I saw soldiers walking around in patrols of 7 with their weapons slung on their backs. I wanted to ask one of them what it would take for one of them to shoot me.

She wanted to ask, but she actually kept her mouth shut....
Not in DC. It went up the middle, and peed all over Gonz, Sam, and fury. Now it's your problem. :D

Damn, that thing moved fast.
from what i'd heard a while ago, what started this was that bush refused to acknowledge her son by name, and avoided looking her in the eye. she realised that her son died for his country, but thought it had not been appreciated, because bush refused to note anything about the PEOPLE that died, instead just noting that they died for a brave and just cause. she camped out to show him that she was not going to go away until she got what she wanted, which was to have her son properly acknowledged by name for the sacrifice he made to this country. that's why she said that if she'd talked to bush she'd have gone home -- that's what she wanted in the first place.

i agree however that this whole thing got way overblown. i think a lot more people would respect her if she refrained from making these crazy sensationalist comments. she's picking things out of nowhere to fuel her publicity.

what sickens me is not her own self promotion, what sickens me is that she could have done something awesome with this if she'd handled it better, but instead made a huge mockery out of all anti-war americans.
Don't look at Sheehan using her son's dead body to try to generate some credibility. Don't look at the libs using an honorable death to further their agenda.

She is using her son's coffin as a pulpit. She doesn't care that he wasn't "properly acknowledged." She is using his name and memory for her chance to say things like:

"This country is not worth dying for."

“We have been so betrayed by this president. He has lied to us. He has betrayed my family. He betrayed my son.

"I think the American people need to know that we have been betrayed in this rush to war.

"How do you think we felt when we heard the Senate reports that said there was no link between Iraq and 9/11?

"Our only goal is to have people understand the human cost of the war and how devastating it is to lose a child to a lie, and what an awesome person the world lost."

"Another thing that I'm doing is - - my son was killed in 2004, so I'm not paying my taxes for 2004. If I get a letter from the IRS, I'm gonna say, you know what, this war is illegal; this is why this war is illegal. This war is immoral; this is why this war is immoral. You killed my son for this. I don't owe you anything. And if I live to be a million, I won't owe you a penny.

And I want them to come after me, because unlike what you've been doing with the war resistance, I want to put this frickin' war on trial. And I want to say, "You give me my son, and I'll pay your taxes."

Sheehan's statements are contrary to what her son believed. He obviously thought this country is worth dying for: he volunteered TWICE.

"And the sergeant said, 'Sheehan, you don't have to go,' and Casey said, 'where my chief goes, I go.'"
Holy crap. I once knew a guy that was traumatized by Vietnam, maybe I shouldn't pay my taxes anymore either. :tardbang: