Turn Baby, turn!!


Well-Known Member
Well....as many of you know. MrsBish is pregnant and due in 4 weeks...or so I thought. Seems that Baby-Bish hasn't turned yet and is stubborn about it. Plenty of excersize for MrsB to do, visited the accupuncturist, dietary changes, getting Bishjr to try and bully the baby into turning "I am your big brother and I want you to turn", etc etc..all so far to no avail. So..depending on what happens...the doctors get their shot at turning the baby on Monday (Dec 6th).
We've been told that it's painful for mommy and has the chance of starting labour. The alternative is breech birth and/or c-section.

So...I'm hoping for some good thoughts for Baby-Bish and some mental persuasion.
Tips and tricks would work as well...as long as the baby turns and does so safely.


signed...some guy who would rather not become a daddy 3 weeks early.
sending some prayers Marc..........tell the Mrs. hang in there........I like AT's idea, wave the remote..... :D
I know those boys never want to come out...they figure they have all they need in there, drink,food,heat,air, etc.....
Well...we're hoping for a girl..so what do I do then? Wave a gift certificate for shoes instead? ;) a picture of Leonardo diCaprio?
wave a credit card in front of her if you're hoping for a girl. promise her a shopping spree.

Good luck Marc and wish Mrs. Bish luck as well. Let's hope the baby turns soon.
AlphaTroll said:
If it's a boy, maybe you should wave a remote in front of Mrs. Bish's fanny?

Now, now, don't confuse the yanks, they'll all be wondering why canuck chicks give birth from their ass. :hmm:
Good luck, wish I had some advice. My friend used to be a midwife but she's on vaca so I can't really ask her for any.

How many pounds is he now? If he's a good weight and still comes three weeks early, don't fret too much. My nephew was 4 weeks early and only had to spend 3 days extra in the hospital and he was just fine.
At this point...the early birth ain't what I'm worried about the most. It's the c-section, the fact that I don't trust hospitals and neither does MrsBish, and that I won't be able to take part in the birth of my kid.

Actually getting to deliver Bishjr. had a huge impact on my life...doesn't sound like it should be much but..hell, how many fathers can say the same?
I may have succesfully annoyed the baby enough for it to have turned. The heartbeat is low which gives the impression that the head is down. Still have an appointment on Tuesday to double chack but... looks good!

Thanks all!!!
MrBishop said:
Actually getting to deliver Bishjr. had a huge impact on my life...doesn't sound like it should be much but
It does sound like it should be much; a hell of a lot in fact. Even to someone like me who is not a parent. The only men I've heard play it down are the ones who didn't want to be there or weren't allowed to be.

I've witnessed/assisted in three births and it affected me more emotionally than I thought it would. And these were just strangers.

Keep us updated; I have my fingers crossed for you. :)
OK...so I'm sure that it's a girl now. As soon as she said that she was ready to leave and started heading towards the door..she changed her mind again!

The head is up again...so, tomorrow morning 8:40amEST we're getting an ultrasound, a baby heart monitor and a pair of trained hands to help her find the exit.

Maybe I should get the kid a flashlight and a map or something, eh?