Turn down the radio, you might get sued

"these days"?

I recall it back to my early childhood some forty odd years ago. Something about insurance salesmen & skateboards was a popular one.

Noise pollution is one of the biggest growing problems in the UK... remember our homes are smaller and closer together than your's. I'm lucky, I live on a 1970's development so the houses and flats are more spread out and there is a covenant to prevent them from building on the field behind my flat. On a new town centre development you're lucky if there's 3ft between the houses and they are building on more and more brownfield sites. Just because you own land in this country it doesn't mean that you can build on it or even put a mobile home(trailer) on it. The planning laws in this country are very strict in respect of greenfield and country sites. If however, there was a building on the site before then a precedent has been set and you may be granted planning permission if it complies with the very strict rules. You may be required to rebuild or incorporate that structure in your plans. Land sold with planning permission goes at a premium price.
Noise pollution is one of the biggest growing problems in the UK

Must be nice that noise pollution is one of the biggest national problems.

I don't think it is, by the way, but whatever.

And I am aware that the UK can have some rather draconian laws still on the books, but I stand by my assertation that this is preposterous. It just shows how truly desperate the record industry is getting. To go chasing a few bucks like this tells me they're getting their hats handed to them by the music-consuming public. Serves 'em right too...they've ignored what music fans have told them for decades that they like, and insisted on force feeding us Celine Dion and Carrie Underwood and Kool DJ Moe Spinner Rim or who-the-fuck-ever. Now they can feel the wrath of the consumer as we go in larger numbers to one another to get what we want. Filesharing and downloads are making a comeback, and it's because one person buys the CD and 5000 more get it too. So while the labels are busy cramming Ludicrous Rap Master Funky Feet featuring Little Brain Cells down our throats, we go get what we like. Just as we always have. They gave us disco, we ushered in punk. They gave us Air Supply, we bought Def Leppard. They loved Karen Carpenter, we bought Led Zeppelin. They said Edie Brickell, we said Kurt Cobain. Amazing how that happens, ain't it?
... remember our homes are smaller and closer together than your's.

He's a Mexican. Don't bet on it. :lol2:

Just because you own land in this country it doesn't mean that you can build on it or even put a mobile home(trailer) on it. The planning laws in this country are very strict in respect of greenfield and country sites. If however, there was a building on the site before then a precedent has been set and you may be granted planning permission if it complies with the very strict rules. You may be required to rebuild or incorporate that structure in your plans. Land sold with planning permission goes at a premium price.

Ain't socialism grand?
"these days"?

I recall it back to my early childhood some forty odd years ago. Something about insurance salesmen & skateboards was a popular one.

But did they sue coffee shops 'cause the coffee was hot? Did they sue 'cause they don't have enough common sense not to swim in rushing rivers and a "danger" sign wasn't posted? Did they sue because they were robbing a house and the homeowners tried to protect themselves? People are sueing other people over their own idiocy.
Hey...I'm other people besides kuulani...and she just said something that I don't do...that makes it untrue...and since it's in print it's libel...I'M GONNA SUE!!!!
If you trip over a skateboard, on my sidewalk, in my gated little yard, then it may as well be hot coffee spilled on a robber.
In your case, they'd catch fire in the tall grass & BBQ themselves & you'd trip & fall, breaking a leg or something on the way to gleefully watch them suffer for trespasing.
On a related tangent to my rant above...

Heard a blip on the radio this morning that Toby Keith has his own record label now. Toby. Friggin. Keith. He's been around for...10 years? Now he has his own label and is signing other artists to that label.

Who knew Toby Keith had a brain? He'll make his 13% from whatever label he's on until that contract is up, and keep making it from them for his lifetime on the catalog hits he had for them, PLUS he'll make the label's share from every act he signs to his label...and on his own recordings he cleans up from both ends. If he's smart enough to start his own publishing company (most rock acts did; few country acts do because of the inherent differences in how those two genres are recorded...long story, just f'ing trust me on it, K?) then he saves 50% right off the top in addition to all that other stuff.

Hell, he don't even LOOK smart...

He may not look smart but I wouldn't kick him outta bed for eatting crackers!!! Although that's not what I'd prefer he be eatting...errrr ummmm...excuse me a moment...*wipes drool from her chin* Let's start again shall we?

He may not look smart but he sure is sexy! :D
Well, lemme see here...

Skateboard? Nope
Sidewalk? Nope
Gated yard? Nope
Little yard? Nope

Whew. I'm safe.

Watch the famous high winds you've mentioned before blow someone's camper shell right off his truck and half a mile into your yard and whack the kid in the noggin.